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Jack Casady Bass


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Now that ive finally got one, im not to sure i'll be keeping it. Im finding because of the strap position on the neck, instead of the top horn. The bass does'nt tuck in like a bass with a strap button on the top horn, so its a constant battle not getting a raw arm off the edge of the bass. Sound wise i know people have raved about the sound from these, but compaired to my squier jaguar that fitted with a wizard thumper it sound's pretty wooly. Am i expected to much ? anyone who's owned one got any advice ?

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[quote name='buff' post='1094239' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:15 PM']How do you find the sound ? it could just be something completely different to what im used to playing.[/quote]

lovely, simply lovely - i found it got more of it's 'own sound' when i strung it with flatwounds.

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Iloved mine but did sell it on a few years ago. I was used to Precisions but did learn to adapt

[quote name='ahpook' post='1094246' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:18 PM']i found it got more of it's 'own sound' when i strung it with flatwounds.[/quote]
I wish I'd tried this back when I had mine

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[quote name='BurritoBass' post='1094273' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:34 PM']Iloved mine but did sell it on a few years ago. I was used to Precisions but did learn to adapt

I wish I'd tried this back when I had mine[/quote]

So what was the main reason you moved it on ?

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[quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1094278' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:36 PM']Yeah something like that definately needs flatwounds, I hate a wooly tone personally and it was what put me off precisions for ages until I tried a bravewood. Only thing is, if you thinking of getting rid theres a dillemma for paying out 30-40 quid on some flats[/quote]
If I had one - which I would like - I'd be trying TI Flats on it. However, Jack Casady himself is advertised as using roundwound Dean Markley Blue Steels.

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[quote name='buff' post='1094277' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:36 PM']So what was the main reason you moved it on ?[/quote]
It was a casualty of a stage in my life where I started branching out onto other instruments. Suddenly I wasn't playing bass very much so started selling kit off. It was the last bass to go and one of only a couple that I occasionally regret.

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I loved the sound of mine too, but just couldn't get on with the way it hung off the strap, and sadly had to move it on. I bought a wide suede-backed strap which helped to curb the neck dive a bit, but it was still giving my left shoulder problems at the end of a long 2-set gig (despite being one of the lightest basses I've owned!). A real shame, as it sounded absolutely massive through my G-K amp! I strung mine with Chromes flats, and after experimenting with the impedance switch, found the 250k setting with the tone wide open worked best for me... :)

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[quote name='buff' post='1094313' date='Jan 18 2011, 08:00 PM']Ive found the best sound so far has been with the varitone set to 500, but it could be i need to play around with my amp/sansamp setting's.[/quote]

I personally found that the 500 setting was the wooliest for me. It's by far the most powerful setting, but you do lose a fair bit of highs. The 50 setting was like a lower-output P-bass sound (with the most treble available of the three), whereas I found that 250 was the Goldilocks setting... just right! To my ears there's nothing wrong with that JCB-1 pickup- it's the best thing about the bass IMO! Put some fresh roundwounds on, and the Epi can clank with the best of them!

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[quote name='EssentialTension' post='1094287' date='Jan 18 2011, 02:42 PM']If I had one - which I would like - I'd be trying TI Flats on it. However, Jack Casady himself is advertised as using roundwound Dean Markley Blue Steels.[/quote]

I used GHS flatwounds on two basses and thought they were great, and much less expensive than TI Flats. I would imagine TIs are good -- given their price, they should be -- but I'd simply be reluctant to spend that much on strings.

Just thought the OP might want a second opinion on strings for the Casady.

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[quote name='tedgilley' post='1094682' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:04 AM']I used GHS flatwounds on two basses and thought they were great, and much less expensive than TI Flats. I would imagine TIs are good -- given their price, they should be -- but I'd simply be reluctant to spend that much on strings.

Just thought the OP might want a second opinion on strings for the Casady.[/quote]
The price may be higher but TIs have a distinctive feel and sound and they last for years. In fact I've never changed a set of flats because I thought I needed fresh strings. So the value for money is excellent.

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I've had a set of Rotosound Jazz Flats on a Precision for about 7 years, and I daren't change them in case it alters the sound. I've had TIs on other basses and they're different - lower tension, smoother touch, but I haven't liked them so much that I'd have to have them on everything.

You may have the same problem I have - I've got an MIJ Precision I got fairly cheap, which sounds great on everything the band plays, but it's not very exciting. So I've been through a succession of second basses, including other Fenders, several Epiphones and a couple of Gibsons. Latest is a Ripper. It sounds great on Cream and Nirvana songs, and on pretty much everything else sounds terrible. Lovely to play though, the neck is wonderful.

Changing pickups on the JC might be a challenge, aren't the electronics a bit clever?

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[quote name='buff' post='1095579' date='Jan 19 2011, 08:07 PM']Darkstar appear to be the only replacement ive found, they do away with the 3 way switch.[/quote]

how would they do away with the switch ? do they have some kind of impedance switching themselves ?

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