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Effects Loop Blend

Paul S

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I have a Trace Elliot AH-300 12 head that has an effects loop. It is possible, via an in/out switch and blend knob to have just the effects loop sound or, with the switch cut in, the effect sound blended with the post EQ sound with no effect. I think that is what is happening, anyway :) Whatever is going on, it is pretty useful and gives, for my own particular purposes, a better souund.

I also have a Trace Elliot Ah250 head that has an effects loop but none of that other gubbins to combine the effect with the post EQ 'plain' sound. I actually prefer the sound this amp makes but miss not being able to blend the effects.

Is it possible to get a stomp box of some sort that would enable you to have click on-and-off-able
a/ just the effect sound and
b/ a mix of both that can be blended?
(c/ I guess a by-pass as well)

I am sure it is, but have no idea what to look for.

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You're talking about essentially putting a blended, switchable effects loop within your amp's effects loop?

You want it within you amp's effects loop as you want the effects to be post EQ?

And you want the switch to have 3 states:

Bypassed, Wet, Blended?

I now a few BCers who could build this for you (Umph and silentfly are two of them), but you'd need two switches:

Switch 1 - Bypass / Engage
Switch 2 - Full Wet / Blended

That sound right?


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Showing my ignorance here Dan - if full wet means effect only then, yes, that is exactly it.

I don't understand the way the insides of an amp work to know the best way to route it - within the effects loop or just daisy chain the lot from the input jack? Certainly the set up in the Ah-300 head is just what I want to try and replicate - having it available at my feet would make it more useable, too.

Edited by Paul S
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'Full Wet' would be the sound of your bass being plugged into the pedal and the pedal into the amp. Out of interest, what pedals would you be using?

There's an interesting (but short) thread about using effects loops [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119729"]HERE[/url] but as far as your blending requirements go, this wouldn't change no matter if they were before your amp or in it's loop.

What about the way the amp is 'set-up' do you want to replicate?
And how do you want to use the effects (ie: verse clean, chorus wet, bridge blended or perhaps one setting for one song, another setting for another song)?


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I am very tentatively feeling my way with just the one multi-effect at the moment - a Zoom B2-1U. My use of effects is very, very limited and, if it wasn't for one or two tracks with either band, probably wouldn't bother. Probably just as well :)

I guess my best 'for instance' would be one thing I actually want to do. I have my amp set with the EQ level and the pre-shape switched in. I have a particular fuzz patch by way of a 'Muse' type of effect which is ok but on its own is too harsh and you seem to lose a lot of the 'bass sound' - don't know how else to describe this. When I route the pedal via the effects loop I can use a switch at the back to click in what they call 'parallel mode' and use a knob to blend the wet/dry balance. This gives me back the 'bass sound' but with some of the fuzz with it.

So it is this that I want to try and replicate in the other head - this blend of wet/dry. Ideally I would additionally like to be able to switch this in and out with a stomp switch - so using my Musa example and when playing Hysteria, the bass starts on it's own with the wet sound - which is fine. But when the guitar/drum come in it becomes lost so I would want like to switch to a blended sound which gives the 'bass sound' back and the added depth. Maybe additionally a wet/dry balance, too, so the levels could be easily matched without arsing about with the pedal - although I have no doubt that may be easier than I imagine, I just haven't found a way yet.

I don't know if any of that makes any sense but it is the clearest I can manage. I know what sounds I want, just don't know how to describe it properly!

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The idea of blending fuzz and your dry tone is one that many players utilise to great effect, so take some solace in the fact that you're not the only one who's pursued this line of thinking.

A Boss LS2 (around £50 secondhand) would give you the ability to parallel blend (like your amp) and the ability to bypass the blend, but you wouldn't be able to switch to 'full on'. Maybe others know better but I think you'd be looking for a custom build from one of the builders on here.

I'm an effects junkie, but my niche is exactly the type of thing you're trying to do. It's worth the effort!

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Thanks Dan.

Having read the answers you have given has given me a better idea of what to look for - and a quick Google search of 'effects loop blender' throws up a few things like the Boss unit you mention, Xotic X Blender and a couple of other things that are scarily expensive! But all I have seen are either a compromise or have extra widgets like pre-amps on board that I don't need. Re the Boss pedal - I wonder if I managed to get hold of the right footswitch, which would allow me to stomp in the pre-shape, might that have the same/similar result? Sounds like I should keep my eyes peeled on the classifieds, anyway! Meanwhile I'll keep using the AH300 head which, after all, is no bad thing.

In your experience is the custom made path cheaper or more expensive? I suppose better value if you end up with exactly what you want.

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[quote name='Paul S' post='1103674' date='Jan 26 2011, 02:05 PM']Is it possible to get a stomp box of some sort that would enable you to have click on-and-off-able
a/ just the effect sound and
b/ a mix of both that can be blended?
(c/ I guess a by-pass as well)[/quote]
If I've understood you correctly, you have just described Max's new Loop Control pedal, which is described down towards the bottom of this page - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71973&st=140&start=140"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...0&start=140[/url]

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My Laney VC30 guitar amp has a *parallel effects loop* with a pot which allows you to blend the FX signal with the dry signal, so this certailny exists - look for *Parallel FX Loop*. A Serial FX Loop is the standard one.

An MXR-80+ allows you to blend a distorted signal with the clean signal on the 2nd channel.


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[quote name='pete.young' post='1104791' date='Jan 27 2011, 09:39 AM']If I've understood you correctly, you have just described Max's new Loop Control pedal, which is described down towards the bottom of this page - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71973&st=140&start=140"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...0&start=140[/url][/quote]

This would definitely do the job. Don't be freaked out by the weird matrix system blue/red thing though - its actually a really simple interface.


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Thanks guys.

I had a thought last night that 'expression pedal' on the Zoom b2.1U might actually do this very thing - it does a dry/wet blend on some effects patches, let's hope it will on this one. I'll try it tonight with the AH250 head at rehearsal.

In the long term I think a proper stomp box and one or two proper pedals is the way forward, though. I am finding it hard to get my head around the Zoom.

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