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Tbh when these were £120 i didn't give them a second look. When it was brought down to £90 i did the same thing.
When they came down to £60 i still held off from buying one, i know i can get a better bass used for the same money.

Nobody is saying these are the greatest basses on the planet, or that the vast majority of them are anything close to Cort factory standards.

What we are refuting is JTUK's claims that they aren't playable, decent basses. Indeed he thinks that no bass manufactured to a £120 price point can be a worthy bass and that the word "cheap" is always followed by the word "nasty".
For somebody to have such a strong opinion of a product despite [b]never actually touching one[/b] (it's in bold again JTUK, you keep missing that point) and despite having pretty much no knowledge of manufacturing economics is the epitome of arrogance.

Tbh it gets very annoying very quickly, whilst i think all the bigging up of these basses got way out of hand i also think those who are down on them end up sounding very bitter.

Bitter, that I don't have one..?? ok..

I agree that I am lumping them in with a lot of other basses that would just not be worth even looking at either.
What makes these so special..the £60:00 price tag..?
The pics aren't bad but if I see one on a gig..I promise I will give it a good going over and report back.
Very much doubt they'll see the light of day there though.

Tell you what, I have a friend who has a car for sale...it has 4 wheels and goes, it is yours for £150..you like a bargain, don't you?


[quote name='JTUK' post='1133434' date='Feb 19 2011, 02:59 PM']Bitter, that I don't have one..?? ok..

I agree that I am lumping them in with a lot of other basses that would just not be worth even looking at either.
What makes these so special..the £60:00 price tag..?
The pics aren't bad but if I see one on a gig..I promise I will give it a good going over and report back.
Very much doubt they'll see the light of day there though.

Tell you what, I have a friend who has a car for sale...it has 4 wheels and goes, it is yours for £150..you like a bargain, don't you?[/quote]

No, just bitter. Dunno why!
It's like the fact that people are enjoying and appreciating a bass that cost them a relatively small amount somehow tears the fabric of the universe or something.

Nobody said they were special, a price tag doesn't make something special or particularly good anyway although you seem to think differently. Cost isn't proportionate to quality.
What most people are saying is that they are playable, decent, quite well built basses despite their price tag. You are saying that they are nasty and unplayable because of their price tag.

[b]You haven't even played one.[/b]

Posted (edited)

JT.....Dont get so excited.....

It's not a Status but it does the job, It's acceptable for Jamnights and rough gigs.

Is it worth £60..........IMHO, yes.

Now........take a deep breath and give it up. You are achieving precisely nothing and expanding energy in order to do so. Just my 2p.

Edited by martthebass

[quote name='martthebass' post='1133452' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:16 PM']JT.....Dont get so excited.....

It's not a Status but it does the job, It's acceptable for Jamnights and rough gigs.

Is it worth £60..........IMHO, yes.

Now........take a deep breath and give it up. You are achieving precisely nothing and expanding energy in order to do so. Just my 2p.[/quote]

ok :) I just keep coming back to this thread as I am stuck in the office waiting for a few things to complete

Personally I wouldn't waste a set of strings on one myself.
Yep, just read through the entire thread. I know all I need to know now.

:) I am most confident in my assessment and the pics on here and some of the posts confirm it to me.
'what do you want for £60?' seems to be a theme in more than a few.

I have to say from the pics here alone... not in the least interested in finding out any more.
I am glad some people are satisfied with their purchase, however.

I've just shimmed the neck on my Low Ryder, dropped the saddles and little and tightened the truss rod a smidge. It's playing nicely.

Picking up my Streamer, the difference is marked, obviously. That said, the last time I played anything other than a Warwick was 1997, so I can't really tell you how it compares to a proper US Precision.


[quote name='drewm' post='1133596' date='Feb 19 2011, 05:04 PM']I've just shimmed the neck on my Low Ryder, dropped the saddles and little and tightened the truss rod a smidge. It's playing nicely.[/quote]

No, I'm afraid it isn't mate. It's cheap and nasty. You've been told. Mine's cheap and nasty, too, and I'll never gig it. Apart from last night... :)


This is funny - I understand both POV somewhat.

As a guitarist I've stopped buying cheap, interesting and especially upgradable guitars because I know they'll never really give me the sound or playing feel I want and can't match the great instruments I already own and use.

OTOH as a bass player I'm happy to be using a cheap Johnny Brooke J type and an even cheaper old Encore P type, and would certainly have been very happy to own one of these (preferably with a maple board) because I'm still at the stage of enjoying experimenting with basses. I don't need a particular feel or sound to my playing because I've not developed to the point where I KNOW what i want and anything else isn't good enough, therefore I'm happy to use sub-optimal kit while I'm developing. And I also like upgrading & fixing, so having a cheap instrument that will be forced to evolve a bit if it's to remain playable isn't a bad thing, although apart from electronics, most cheap gear seems to last much better than when Kay were typical.

So if anyone has one of these they want to unload cheap in 6 months time, I may be a willing recipient :)


[quote name='JTUK' post='1132482' date='Feb 18 2011, 05:29 PM']I am so pissed off that Fender have the gaul to charge me £800 or whatever for a complete rip-off when I can get it for £60.
It's not fair, I tell you.[/quote]
You should be pissed off - if you are paying £800 for a mass-produced Precision, you are being ripped off - unless you find it a a hugely necessary part of owning a bass to be paying through the nose for a logo, a sticker saying "Made In USA" and for the wages of an American bloke who expects a decent pay packet.

And yes - why shouldn't a Ryder P copy, if it's competently manufactured & assembled (which by all accounts the majority of them seem to be) and well set-up (which your £800 US Precision probably won't be, out of the box) play every bit as well as a "prestige" brand instrument? They're just wood & wire, after all, and in the case of any P bass, whatever the sticker says & wherever it's made, incredibly simplistic wood & wire.



[quote name='lemmywinks' post='1133135' date='Feb 19 2011, 10:18 AM']So you still haven't played one then?[/quote]

Save your breath, it's almost like...

:) :) :lol:


[quote name='JTUK' post='1133248' date='Feb 19 2011, 12:02 PM']Well, there is no point trying to convince they are any good...they may just about be playable for some people.[/quote]

why do you insist on your condescending tone? :)

it went from mildly annoying to amusing, now it's just boring


[quote name='Johnston' post='1133741' date='Feb 19 2011, 07:45 PM']Fixed that for ya :)[/quote]

I'm looking but I'm not seeing a sombrero or a poncho... :)



[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1133389' date='Feb 19 2011, 02:17 PM']I stuck my head above the parapet too but got no response to my post, presumably as I have first hand experience.... and maybe a less abrasive approach.[/quote]

I think you hit it there.
You stated your opinion very clearly. To you the bass was worthless. But you actually touched one and were not condescending in your approach.

If I walk into a bar where there's a group of people celebrating the new cheap beer they have, and I talked the way JTUK has about the beer and the drinkers... what do you think the outcome would have been? And I'm not talking Glasgow, I'm talking in any bar of the world...

Personally, it doesn't affect me what anybody thinks. My teenage days are well over.
There was a time when I had to have great gear, big names, expensive stuff. And oh yes, I enjoyed it. But after a while you learn to judge stuff by its function and what it gives you. Because owning all these big headstocks didn't really make me play any better...
I once sold a Fender Stratocaster (a Highway1, not a Custom Shop, ok) because the Vintage brand strat copy I had found actually had a nicer neck and sounded better. Oh, and the Wilkinson trem bar was truly adjustable and worked great instead of the screw-type one on the Fender. Some thought I must have been crazy. It worked for me, so what do I care? But if after a gig someone approached me belittling me for my choice, he'd have probably eaten maple neck for dinner, you know what I mean? :)
My approach when I moved to bass was similar. I've owned Behringer and TC Electronic, a couple of Warwicks alongside a Jazz bass copy by Vintage... I loved the OLPs as well, as you know. At a time when I thought they were ugly but the look of a band asked for it, I found OLP to be perfectly nice basses and gigged a couple regularly. I found real Stingrays just not so much better that they deserved the extra expense. Until one day I found a 2EQ Stingray that changed my opinion for good. You saw me change my chat very rapidly. I'm not precious about these things.
We can argue and question instruments and bits of instruments till the cows come home. Good.
Talk to me like I'm a moron and I'm not going to appreciate that very much.
Think of the pub analogy...

I don't have a personal investment in SR!

[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1133389' date='Feb 19 2011, 02:17 PM']The fact of the matter is that the Sue Ryder bass has become a bit of a phenomenon and if it weren't for the fact that they were on sale for £60 no one would have batted an eye at them. I don't think anyone who has admitted to owning one (my wee joke :lol:) hasn't found at least one bad point about them then followed up with "but for £60 it ain't bad". Who among us will not defend our newly purchased bass to the death? Apart from a few crazy claims most people seem to know what they have and where it sits in the grand scheme of things.
The scale of "playability" is not black and white - we all know that the punters at a gig haven't a scooby doo about basses. Is it not then reasonable to presume that even some of us players have cloth-ears too. :lol:[/quote]

True... even when they first came into my radar I dismissed them as utter sh*te. I look at eBay sometimes too, it's nothing unusual to find cheap crap there disguised as real instruments.
But eventually, for my own reasons (in some other post somewhere) I got one, that's when I don't even like P-basses!!! Just a bit of fun.
It turned out I was happy with what I saw once I received it. All the issues about set-up don't faze me as it's something I personally enjoy doing, and I do regardless of what I buy. And one way I have fun, personally, is customising and modifying instruments. Anyway, this is not about my reasons.

But when I set up a guitar or a bass and I think "hey, this works well", if someone tells me "nah, mate, it's all wrong" I just hope they have the courtesy to try it first.

"I don't know what your job is, but you suck at it" :lol:
see what I mean? :)
JTUK does not.

[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1133389' date='Feb 19 2011, 02:17 PM']From what we've seen at this end of the thread there is little point upsetting the apple cart during the honeymoon period and until critical mass has evened out and normality has resumed it's probably best to just stfu or follow the flock and go out and buy one..... or four. :D[/quote]

Oh, totally! :D

[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1133389' date='Feb 19 2011, 02:17 PM']I've set a reminder in my phone to resurrect this thread in a years time.[/quote]

It'll be interesting.

I predict most of them won't receive a lot of attention after a few months. But that's not something particular of these cheap basses. It happens with most instruments and eefcts etc people buy here, from what I can tell! :D

I think I will still have one or two, with one moving to sunny Spain so I can play it when I'm there and another possibly being sold on for next to nothing, to make space on my guitar rack for some other project once I've had my fun with it... maybe a 5-string fretless OLP? heh...
Will I gig them much? Unlikely. The Stingray is King and Queen in Chez Jose and there's a good reason I didn't own a P-bass. Well, I do have an old Ibanez SR400, when they were P/J, with teh 3-band EQ... but I don't play it and will go probably sooner than a Ryder. The P-bass sound is not something I need in any of the bands I'm with. But if that changes during this year and there's a need for a P... I'll bring along the Ryder. Or the G&L :D

We'll see in a year :P


[quote name='mcnach' post='1133792' date='Feb 19 2011, 08:56 PM']I think you hit it there.
You stated your opinion very clearly. To you the bass was worthless. But you actually touched one and were not condescending in your approach....[/quote](trimmed to save server space :))

I'm down with all ^ Jose except for one thing, I didn't say the bass was worthless. I said that it sounded like what it is... a 60 quid bass. And the reason I only gave it 20 seconds play is (after reading the comments on here and expecting a solid P bass tone - and on some level secretly wanting my own suspicions proved wrong) it was immediately apparent to me that it wouldn't offer anything more than any other starter bass I've played. ..... that and, it was in a room of about 50 uber interesting and/or top end basses all waiting for their turn to be drooled over. :)


[quote name='JTUK' post='1133270' date='Feb 19 2011, 12:24 PM']If someone is still using one in 2-3 years time, would probably say 6 months, even :) [b]with original parts[/b], then maybe I'll review my cheap and nasty post.
In fact, post your experiences after that time.[/quote]

That's hardly fair...none of my Fenders have had all the original parts on 6 months after getting them!


I thought I wouldn't be able to check into this thread until tomorrow.

I don't have any Fenders, sorry.

It may have helped if I hadn't trashed people's new toys but there is no new science here.
But if it makes you feel better that I go and find one and then come back to tell you it has confirmed my posts, that will be ok?



[quote name='LawrenceH' post='1133859' date='Feb 19 2011, 10:43 PM']That's hardly fair...none of my Fenders have had all the original parts on 6 months after getting them![/quote]

It seems like these basses are getting quite a few mods straight off..have already seen neck shims and pup threads.
You'll find plenty of un-modded Fenders out there, of course...even if I have always thought the plate bridges to be a weak point, myself.


[quote name='JTUK' post='1133873' date='Feb 19 2011, 11:15 PM']I thought I wouldn't be able to check into this thread until tomorrow.

I don't have any Fenders, sorry.[/quote]
I didn't assume you did - it was a metaphorical "your" £800 Fender, just like the one you mentioned. :)

Did you read beyond the confusing part? :)



[quote name='JTUK' post='1133873' date='Feb 19 2011, 11:15 PM']I thought I wouldn't be able to check into this thread until tomorrow.

I don't have any Fenders, sorry.

It may have helped if I hadn't trashed people's new toys but there is no new science here.
But if it makes you feel better that I go and find one and then come back to tell you it has confirmed my posts, that will be ok?


you don't seem to get it...

I think in the future I'll just look at your avatar rather than the contents of your post on this thread :)

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