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So last nights gig - decent venue, good sized crowd, tempremental PA system, but we managed to get a decent sound out from it. Half way through the first song i fell on my arse. I started playing wrong notes, wrong songs, became really sloppy and even managed to balls up the very last note of the last song! :)

Anyone else have an experience like this before?


[quote name='krth1985' post='1142412' date='Feb 26 2011, 03:22 PM']Anyone else have an experience like this before?[/quote]
Ouch - not for a long time. What happened? Was it drug/booze related or was it nerves or unfamiliarity of band and material?


[quote name='BottomE' post='1142436' date='Feb 26 2011, 03:59 PM']Ouch - not for a long time. What happened? Was it drug/booze related or was it nerves or unfamiliarity of band and material?[/quote]

Just the usual couple of pints before hand. All well rehearsed material, everyone else was fine, just me. Major knock to my confidence :)


I've only played badly when I've drunk too much. Never any other reason if the set is rehearsed up. Sadly it's a lesson I seem to have to relearn with each & every band I join rather than just default back to the original lesson from my teens first time round. At least it's only once per band I join!


[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='1142735' date='Feb 26 2011, 07:51 PM']Yeah,been there.We all have ,haven't we? :) Don't fret too much about it. You'll probably be flawless for a few gigs after that one.[/quote]

There aint a musician on the planet who hasn't had a bad gig.


[quote name='Blademan_98' post='1142720' date='Feb 26 2011, 07:38 PM']I once started a gig (on guitar) with a capo in the wrong position.

I threw me out all evening :)[/quote]

Not a capo problem, but very similar. Our singer decided to play a harmonica solo on a new song for the first time (he'd not been playing for long but it was a simple piece). We had rehearsed the song in A a fair bit and all was well.

First performance, the guitarist starts the song in G for some reason. Everyone quickly adapted but no one told the singer (I'd have thought he would have noticed anyway!) and waiting for the harp solo was like watching a train crash about to happen.

Sure enough, a few bars into the harp solo he realised something was wrong and gave up trying to get things to sound right. :)


I gigged with a band that the more tickets you sold the closer you got to the main band. As we got more popular we sold more tickets and got to the spot before the main act on night. This gave me longer at the bar and a few (far too many) JD's later the guitarist was reteaching me the songs and all I could say back to him was 'you're a good mate you are..'

Turned out I was pretty mental on stage jumping around etc. got through gig apparently...

I now only have the one pint whilst I am setting up giving it plenty of time to clear my system before we actually play.

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