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Alleva-Coppolo LG4 in 3TS for sale (immaculate condition)


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I recently got this from molan (it was previously owned by lozbass, a man of impeccable bass taste too! Loz' photos below, if thats OK Loz) and it is quite the most beautiful Jazz I have ever seen or played and in immaculate condition. It was the last one fully hand-made by Vinnie Coppolo and team in his NYC workshop (numbered 48 on the neck plate) before he moved to California and introduced CNC machines etc. Nitro 3TS finish, weighs 9.74 pounds, has a comfortable B width (1.625) width neck (its not a skinny J neck), and a beautiful dark chocolate-y dalbergia negra rosewood board (DN is a rare rosewood, stocks of which are no longer available, so I am told). It plays very slickly with very low action (ask the previous owners or Happy Jack, who played it yesterday) and has a huge range of tones from fully passive Jazz through to various active tones (controls are V/V/T, treble boost, bass boost; the second V control pulls up for passive mode). Comes protected in a Hiscox case.

Reason for selling: I have re-appraised what I need in basses (again and am going the traditionalist route) and I really want a year-of-birth (1963) Fender Precision, in Olympic white or 3 colour sunburst, and this sale will hopefully fund that (or at least most of it)

I am after £2850 - which is the trade value molan and I agreed - or of course a trade against a '63P in oly white (long shot!). BTW, I will be travelling a lot on business this week and next so may not always be able to answer PMs quickly. Would prefer to hand over in person but will ship (given my travelling I will not always be around to package it up immediately).


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I cannot tell a lie. I've spent several years and a depressing amount of money and a ridiculous number of basses in order to reach the conclusion that what I want is a P-bass and ... erm ... well, that's it, really.

My collection has now come down to my remaining vintage Hofners, a few oddities and eccentric items, and seven P-basses in different flavours which are my gigging basses.

Despite all that, Clarky's AC Jazz is the only bass I've felt any GAS for at all in 2011. Absolutely beautiful piece of work which oozes quality from every pore and plays like a dream. The tone is simply superb in passive mode, and in active mode it can do most things, including the most convincing Jazz-sounding-like-a-Precision that I've ever heard.

£2850 seems like a lot of money, until you try this bass. Then you understand.

If I had the dosh then I wouldn't hesitate.

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Thanks Jack, it was playing your lightweight, superb sounding '66 Fender Precision yesterday that tipped me over the edge and prompted me to renew my longstanding (but never-done-anything-about-it) search for a Y-O-B (1963) Precision

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Incidentally here is loz' FS thread with some more details than mine (eg, it was made in June 2008)


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Fabulous bass - this would set you back well over £4K to buy new, maybe even close to £5K as the fretboard alone was a $1,000 upgrade (and, even if you wanted one you couldn't get it because Jimmy doesn't have any more of the DN fretboards available!).

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I'm trying to avoid saying that this is the best J in the world...obviously, I haven't tried them all. However, on the basis of reasonably extensive experience, I'd say it's got to be up there. Stunning in every way. The playability is absolutely amazing - it was great when I received the bass, then I had a fret-stone at the Gallery - the result was just fantastic. Everybody that has played this bass was staggered - it's that good. I know £2850 is a lot of money, but for a bass of this spec. (and one this good) it's actually a bargain. New price would be around £5k (if you could source the DN for the board). There's also a bit of history in the bass - the last one out of Jimmy's NY operation (I had the last two). Jimmy has some very good things to say about the bass himself - it was a bit of a stunner all round.

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Thanks Andy and Loz. It is the best bass I have ever owned so it seems perverse selling it, but I have a weird psychological calling to a year-of-birth Fender ... and I am of a certain age that means that would be a pre-CBS (and thus pricey) option!

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Tuesday bump, adding that would trade against a sunburst 63 Precision as well as oly white.

Off to the lands of pickled herrings and smorgasbord, yay! So, as mentioned in OP, I may not pick up PMs in an especially timely manner in next couple of days

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[quote name='Clarky' post='1145200' date='Feb 28 2011, 10:58 PM']... and I am of a certain age that means that would be a pre-CBS (and thus pricey) option![/quote]

Consider yourself lucky, mate. I don't even want to think how much I would have to pay for a 1956 ...

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Discovered some more photos of the bass taken by the prior US owner from his Talkbass FS thread. The condition today is as immaculate as you see here:


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Please note that - as there are a bunch of BassChatters in Brussels and Paris - I will be staying over in each of those cities in the next few weeks so could deliver the bass. I will be in Brussels next Tuesday evening and in Paris on evening of 7 April.

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Daily bump. I know this is a pricey bass and money is scarce so I would be prepared to listen to payment options (upfront plus payments over say three months) from BC'ers that I either know well or who have an excellent reputation/feedback

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='1149713' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:50 PM']It's a beautiful bass...keep it :)[/quote]
I might well do that Gareth. It is fabulous and it was only the rather emotional desire for a YOB Precision that motivated me to put it up FS. I will find another way to pay for the 63 Precision should a nice example come my way.

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[quote name='Clarky' post='1149702' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:38 PM']I think I have chosen the wrong time to sell this bass so I am withdrawing from sale and will re-consider when the market is a bit more active[/quote]

I know exactly what you mean Clarky, and I don't blame you.

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[quote name='Happy Jack' post='1149915' date='Mar 4 2011, 08:49 PM']Relieved to see this - it's the smart move.[/quote]
+1 - smart move. I'd just keep it period - I'd be absolutely amazed if you could find a better J type (I only sold it 'cause I had two)

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