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Just bought myself an Eden Nemesis N410RS cab.

£389 inc delivery from The Bass Merchant.

600 watts, 8 ohms, 104 db sensitivity, Freq. Response 48hz - 18khz
24.75w x 24.75h x 16.25d
52 lbs
Comes with castors, and adjustable tweeter

Not used it at a practice yet, but first impressions are it`s a very good cab. the handles are on the top of the cab, at each side, not standing above the top surface though, so making lifting even easier. Sturdily built. Carpet-covering.

Soundwise, it has a sound not too dis-similar to my Ampeg cabs that I had. The tweeter is very smooth, not at all harsh, but it definately changes the character from old-school to more modern. In comparison to my Ampegs, at home practice, with the same settings the Nemesis is much louder. I do prefer the sound of the Ampegs, but it has got to the point where I can`t carry them about any more, and this Nemesis cab is 90% there, so overall a good purchase.

  • 1 month later...

Finally got to use this last night in a band situation. Band consisted of bass, drums, 2 gtrs, and keys.

First off, this cab is loud. I believe the 104 db sensitivity claims! In the above situation, in a fairly large rehearsal room, I had my TC Electronic Classic 450 amps gain on 5, with the volume on 2. I upped it to 3 at one point, which is roughly around where I had this amp with my Ampeg cabs, and it was much louder on its own, than with the 2 Ampegs that I used to use.

Soundwise - was using a Fender Precision. Well after a bit of eq adjustment, had compression on very slightly, Tubetone on 5 to add a bit of grit, and everything else flat, tho did drop the low-mids by 1. Tweeter in the off position. The cab produced a nice controlled, never boomy bottom end. I was standing in last night, and the guys all remarked how deep and present my bass was, compared to their usual guy, who uses a Trace Elliot 1x15 combo. To me, the sound on its own is ok, but in the band mix, this is where this cab seems to shine. I liken it a bit to my views re Markbass in this respect. Don`t get me wrong, the sound on its own is fine, it just seems to really project when in the mix - and that`s what counts, in my view.

If I could change anything about it? Well the tweeter was a silver colour, and didn`t look right to me, so I painted it black, and now the cab looks much better. And, the handles are at the top, rather than halfway down, so although it`s light(ish) these to me make the lift a bit more difficult than it needs to be. Small niggles though, and nothing to really bother me that much.

Overall, I`m glad I made this purchase. I`m long past the wanting a great sound on my own, irrespetive/to the detriment of the band. To me, it`s the mix that counts, and I now know that this cab delivers. And its much easier to cart about than my previous 100 lb Marshall & 90 lb Ampeg cabs.

  • 4 months later...

Arrgh! I think I may be about to pull the trigger on one of these to replace my Laney 4x10, which I love. Having gigged the Laney for several years, its getting a bit...road worn, and the cats use it as a scratching post! The 4 ohm option seems good, letting my eden RS400 breathe a bit better. Is it carpet or tolex covered?


It`s tolex. I`ve actually sold it now, and the Basschatter I sold it to has commented on how loud it is.

In comparison, I used to have this cab, with my Ampeg volume on 3 poss 3.5, getting 300 watts.

I now use my Ampeg with my Barefaced Compact & Midget, and the amp is on 4 or 5, getting the full 500 watts.

So you may not need the 4 ohm version.


Hmm interesting, my Eden head puts out 400W at 4ohm, much less, presumably 200W at 8 ohm, the plan was to get a 4 ohm head to give me the headroom. With the 8 ohm Laney I am running Gain about 1 o clock and master Vol about 12, this gives me just about enough to fight through 2 guitars. Incidentally...why did you sell? Oh and tnx for the quick reply!

Posted (edited)

I sold it because even though it was fairly light - 52 lbs - my back just can`t deal with that kind of weight anymore.

I see what you mean re the 8 ohms at 200 watts/4 ohms at 400 watts. Considering how much guitarists seem to turn up nowadays, 200 can be a bit low - with the full 400 watts into one of these, I can`t see any more ever being needed. But, I was putting 300 watts into the 8 ohm version, in both a heavy rock band with 2 gtrs, and my other band, which has 3 gtrs, keys, and 2 basses, and only needed the amp on max, 3.5.

Though, depending on the size of your gigs, an 8 ohm 410, and an 8 ohm 210 would be a very nice stack for large venues.

Edited by Lozz196

Rhythm guitarist just scored hisself a sweet deal on a 2nd hand marshall half stack and 100W head .....'kin LOUD. now the Lead guitar wants an extension cab and I am wondering where to go......I have a Laney 1x15 already that I can add to the 4x10, but I've gone off the muddy sound it gives out. Eden cab is one of many I have been considering, the size is right, almost the same as the Laney, which fits nicely on back seat of car, weight is good, lighter than the Laney, and price is great! I'm struggling to find a downside here.....especially as I have an Eden Head anyhoo!


Going by how loud these cabs are, the 410 on its own will more than likely be louder than your 410 & 115, if my experience of comparing it to two Ampeg cabs is anything to go by.

Plus will probably be a lot clearer too. Eden are famed for their clear sound, and I was very impressed at how well this projected, and sat in the mix, rather than boomed away underneath it. It did this, even with the old-school sound I dial in.


After checking out websites all over the Country, it turns up my local store has a couple of Eden cabs in stock, and I had a chance to A/B em against my Laney too.

God Bless Ronnie at [url="http://rockhard-music.com/"]http://rockhard-music.com/[/url]

Its looking like an E410xst is on the cards if the price is right, figures show its 90lbs, but TBH lugging them around the shop into the studio to play, I didn't really notice much difference between the Eden and my 65lb Laney.

Just in pondering stage now..that and checking bank balance lol


Yep, and still playing with his legs so wide apart he is about 2 ft 6 on stage!

That`s a great set-up Ross has got though, really good sound.


Did ya know that Ampeg head is so old..its an original american model, that only runs off 110V? He has an industrial transformer hidden round the back so he can get 110v to it!

Anyhoo..went back today came home with an Eden E410xst

Not Quite what I went in for....but mighty happy none the less :)

Just had to rush home and have a quick play..cant really crank it up here..but come next rehearsal!!!! Woohoo!!

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