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At the end of last year I found myself skint!!.....Needing some instant dosh,without resorting to some crazy payday loan scam,I flogged a couple of things on E bay......one of which was a rather nice SX Jazz bass,Recently I was checking some pictures out on my computer and came across the photos of the SX that had been on the e bay listing...bad move!......I now know that it was a cracker....and since I can't seem to find another like it want it back! I have sent an e mail to the guy who bought it...but don't hold out much hope,as he was really chuffed with it when he bought it......oh dear!...bloody missing it! :)


I'd like my 1980 Jetglo 4001 back please. I've got the £180 ready I got for it, too... oh, and my 76 P-Bass: I've got the £150 I got for that. So that's £330 the pair, then... :)


This is a very sore subject.

I sold a bass to someone here 8 years ago, didn't even know they were member of this forum, thought I had lost sight of the bass for good, I sold it in a moment of desperation, at a time when I was very down and out, now... I say [i]sold[/i] but it was more like I had given it away really, anyway I was desperate.

I got back on my feet eventually and nowadays I am 10 times better off than I was 8 years ago / Divorcedv (pheww never again) / new home although smaller than my first house with the ex / with new younger and prettier girlfriend etc.

One day I found out the person I sold it too was in this forum infact they contacted me out of the blue, I asked if they were willing to sell it back stating I was even willing to offer a bit more than I sold it to them and to my despair they wanted more than twice the amount I sold it to them for. I politely told them thanks but no thanks its a matter of principle and I was hurt already by selling it I didn't need the additional pain of having to pay over the odds for it so I turned it down.

A life lesson learnt. Never again. Never marry and divorce peeps, as the song says: It's cheaper to keep her! Word.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1154205' date='Mar 8 2011, 06:16 PM']A life lesson learnt. Never again. Never marry and divorce peeps, as the song says: It's cheaper to keep her! Word.[/quote]


Not a bass, but in the late 80's after the property crash and being made redundant I had to sell my beloved Fender Strat (USA) in white.

Probably worth a bit now but I sold it for £80! (I needed to feed the family).

I have since bought (and sold!) another one.

I have got over it and made plans to sell everything else before letting another guitar go if it ever gets that bad :)

Edited by Blademan_98

I sold one of these once and would like it back......

[url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://pod.ath.cx/guitars/artist/latest/arty-med.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.futureguitarnow.com/forum/index.php%3Ftopic%3D497.0&usg=__1KoaL8qaT7wtvPHa-NSRSKzKtkA=&h=480&w=640&sz=87&hl=en&start=16&zoom=1&tbnid=m9RjGxvG1zo1MM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=147&ei=SH12TcWnG4GeOsHO5PgM&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dibanez%2Bartist%2Bguitar%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1156%26bih%3D571%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=234&oei=NX12TdKsBM3Zsga216zyBA&page=2&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:16&tx=128&ty=48"]Ibanez Artist Guitar[/url]


I've regretted selling basses on many occasions. Trouble is, unlike when I was younger and had no responsibilities, I now have to operate a strict 'one in one out' policy. So if there's a bass I really want I have to sell something first to fund it.

Worst mistake I made was hastily part-exing my 5-string Warwick thumb, for a used, 4-string, base model, Warwick Corvette. The shop offered me a straight swap and I took it! Idiot.........

I'm already regretting selling my TRB1004 to Tom (and he only received it yesterday!).


On reflection out of all the instruments that have passed through my hands over the course of the last 35 years there's only one that I regret no longer having and that's the electric guitar I made during my final year at school. TBH it wasn't that good an instrument - my design skills were good, but the construction left plenty to be desired, and it was never particularly reliable. It's life ended when the neck joint failed for the second time, at which point I had sufficient money to buy something a proper guitar and it was given away to a friend to part out for his projects. Actually the only reason I wish I still had it is so I could trace the outline a get someone with real luthier skills to make it properly.

Actually in all this time I've only ever sold 2 guitars and 3 basses. None of them were worth keeping as they were all bought because I needed a particular type of instrument immediately and all have been replaced with far superior instruments.

On the other hand well over 20 synthesisers have passed through my hands but that's a whole different story...


Biggest regret was selling my EMS suitcase synth a few years ago, I felt a pang as the courier took it, and kicked myself ever since. Still want one back but not at stupid ebay prices.
Also '71 4001, '78 Stingray, '72 LP goldtop, '72 ES345, and the Ibanez Firebird I ruined by adding a kahler and reshaping the body. Its still in the loft, an unplayable lump of Japanese mahogany with a corkscrewed neck. Wasn't worth anything in 1986 (I paid 75 quid for it), would be worth around 10x that figure now if I hadn't f*cked with it.


Have sold on quite a number of basses over the last couple of years, some that I wish I could have held on to but that's part of the game being a gear who*e. One bass I miss quite a bit though - my Marcus Miller Jazz that was my main player for more than 7 years. Went through a lot with that one, and replacing it with another one just won't work. Sold it way to cheap also, since I needed to fund a bargain priced Jazz-73 that is long gone (and not missed). Oh well... :)


I miss my '89 Ray 5. I think I always will. I sold it last year to fund my new Sandberg I am waiting for. That was the best sounding and playing stingray I ever played or heard :)

Also miss my Spector Euro 5lx. That was a dream of mine to own one. Didn't stand up against the ray though.


It's on my wall and I keep lookig at it. it's a thing of beauty is't it? Still trying to get used to the tones, it's very different to my G&L.
Cracking bass though but you know that already :)

[quote name='TRBboy' post='1154284' date='Mar 8 2011, 07:05 PM']I've regretted selling basses on many occasions. Trouble is, unlike when I was younger and had no responsibilities, I now have to operate a strict 'one in one out' policy. So if there's a bass I really want I have to sell something first to fund it.

Worst mistake I made was hastily part-exing my 5-string Warwick thumb, for a used, 4-string, base model, Warwick Corvette. The shop offered me a straight swap and I took it! Idiot.........

I'm already regretting selling my TRB1004 to Tom (and he only received it yesterday!).[/quote]


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1154331' date='Mar 8 2011, 07:28 PM']Oh my LP Goldtop, that thing was amazing.[/quote]


I traded my Epiphone Goldtop (worth £500+) for a Squier Tele Custom (about £200?) with a guitar shop in a moment of naivety. The owner knew he was ripping me off and when I had traders remorse a few weeks later and went to enquire about getting it back, I was informed that I'd have to pay £150 as well as trading in the Squier. My arse was sore for weeks after that shafting :)


[quote name='Jono Bolton' post='1154693' date='Mar 8 2011, 10:42 PM']+1

I traded my Epiphone Goldtop (worth £500+) for a Squier Tele Custom (about £200?) with a guitar shop in a moment of naivety. The owner knew he was ripping me off and when I had traders remorse a few weeks later and went to enquire about getting it back, I was informed that I'd have to pay £150 as well as trading in the Squier. My arse was sore for weeks after that shafting :)[/quote]


[quote name='theplumber' post='1154181' date='Mar 8 2011, 06:00 PM']At the end of last year I found myself skint!!.....Needing some instant dosh,without resorting to some crazy payday loan scam,I flogged a couple of things on E bay......one of which was a rather nice SX Jazz bass,Recently I was checking some pictures out on my computer and came across the photos of the SX that had been on the e bay listing...bad move!......I now know that it was a cracker....and since I can't seem to find another like it want it back! I have sent an e mail to the guy who bought it...but don't hold out much hope,as he was really chuffed with it when he bought it......oh dear!...bloody missing it! :)[/quote]

Yep. Twice.

I used to have a Japanese Squier Telecaster. It was delicious. Such a great guitar. Sold it for a mere £150, including a cool rails pickup at the bridge, with a 4-way wiring, and brand new big dunlop frets.

Bad bad bad bad bad move.

Then a couple of years ago I sold my first bass. It was a Vintage brand Jazz that I had modified and was a fantastic bass. I've met the new owner at a gig, and got to see and hear that bass playing through my rig (I was providing amplification)... oh, why did I sell that???
I told hgim if he ever wants to get rid of it, I'll buy it. But he seems to like it too much... :)


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1154201' date='Mar 8 2011, 06:12 PM']Tanglewood Warrior, epic bass for the cash.[/quote]

that's another one!

I've owned a Warrior (single MM pickup), a Warrior II (twin Jazz) and a Warrior III (with F-holes, MM bridge and jazz neck)
All great, but I really miss the Warrior III. I had put a Glockenklang 3-band preamp too...


Many a time:

'75 John Birch 4001, maybe should have learnt to play with a pick especially for it but then again I dunno...
'94 Kubicki Key Factor, absolute snorter of a bass and suited my hands perfectly
'56 Bravewood Telebass Replica, Lovely lovely lovely but seriously couldn't afford to keep it
'07 Marleaux Custom Consat 5 Fretless, Another one that covered all the bases but couldn't afford to keep it
'88 Goodfellow, real Alembic look about it and a birth year bass that I loved aesthetically but the neck aggravated a hand injury
Cort A4 (made fretless by Overwater) suited me perfectly and my first bass so of sentimental value
Late 60's Hoyer EB3 Custom, vintage tones at a quality price
'88 Jackson Charvel Star guitar shortly replaced with an '07 masterbuilt version

There'll be a couple of others but now i've changed to guitar I regret the loss at lot less - just grateful I had the opportunity to own so many flawless basses and hope the new owners enjoy them as much as I did :)


Been there with the CSA & seperation issues and lost a few basses as well. Though I was lucky enough to get back my 1989 Squier Precision (MIK) back in 2008,after stupidly selling it back in 1998.

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