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Hi All

I have recently been looking at upgrading my amp system, and swapped a Realist for a Schertler Dyn-B contact mic and PRE-AIII (whatever) pre amp. All for < Ā£500 (hehe) . All good.

Now im looking at amplification, but, not being a geek in this field, dont really know very much. At the moment im running through an AI clarus and have a good sound from my custom 'home made' speaker cab. Sounds good except the cab weighs a (almost) ton and i have really skinny arms.

So - ive heard loads of good things about the GK micro series MB range i think, and also the EA Wizzy cab, but now im looking at the AER bass one combo system - i did a jazz manouche gig recently where the guitar players had the AER micro amps and they were amazing.. i just wonder if that amazing sound is translated to the bass one system. Its got a massive price tag. Yikes... but it coulod be 'the one'

All im looking for (as is every acoutsic bass player), is as true as possible replication of my DB sound, loud and portable as hell!

Has anyone had experience of these who can give a good comparison?

I really like the GK MB mirco series, and whats more Dave Holland likes them too ... Just need more info on the AER stuff...


I bought one of the MB200 Micro amps for Ā£200 or so a few weeks back, and have been absolutely blown away by it! I use it for practice through a TC 12" cab and I cant, for the low price of course, speak highly enough about it. Yes, it has a touch of its own "voice", and not being an upright player any more, can only really guess that this will work well, but its certainly worth an audition if you dont need a shedload of volume (its got plenty!). Only trouble is, it looks like a bit of a toy and makes me smile every time I turn it on.........


Did you build your home made cab? If so, why not try to build a BFM or fEarful cab.

My best DB sound for what we play (not jazz) is through the Mesa Walkabout 12.


I've had Acoustic Image heads and combos, the GK MB150 combo and a Euphonic Audio iAmp800 and VL208 cab. By far the happiest I've ever been in reproducing the acoustic tone of my bass to a useable volume live has been with a APTflex Electret pickup going through a GenzBenz Shuttle 3.0/T combo.


Thanks for all the advice. Ill look at the GenzBenz as well...

As for building my own speaker cab - it was done by my old bass teacher - im totally rubbish at DIY, so building my own is not an option!


I picked up an Acoustic Image Contra rig (combo plus extension cab) at a good price off BassChat and have been very pleased with it so far. Had its first gig last Friday with my Eminence EUB (which has a David Gage Realist p/u) and the audience members (including BC'er Happy Jack who replied in my Eminence thread) said it sounded very DB-like through the PA (which was fed by the DI from my Contra combo) and that it held its own against three trombones and a souzaphone.


I've been using the iAmp 800 for mine (and just selling it now....) - very clear HiFi sound, great with a piezo although obviuosly feedback is an issue with 800 watts! Schaller pickup sounds great and earthshattering volume, the schaller seems to have a very loud output though so distorts easily - going to try the Kent Armstrong at some point and see if that's better - hopefully will have a valve amp on the way soon so will be good to see the comparison between pure digital and pure analogue!


Of the options, I have only tried the GK combos and I think their only redeeming feature is that they are light. I played mine in a sax/bass/piano trio (no drums) and it sounded thin and lacking in warmth. It did that with electric also so I think it is the speakers - the cabs are made of a fairly thin metal and the effect is great at low volumes but not for performance without a PA rig.

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