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east/audere/emg quandry!


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Hi all, my blue jazz currently has a j retro and emg active J pups, but its a bit too loud and squashes my compressor too much, so i was wondering about taking out the east and fitting an EMG-BTC System to a standard jazz bell plate.

This will then leave me the quandry of which preamp in which bass...
I have a ksd all stock which i love the sound of, but ill then have both a jretro and an audere jz4 lying around (unheard and unfitted) and a brand new (2008!) fender jb75100us jazz bass to drop one or the other into?, but which!?!? and then theres the ksd, what to do with the pre from that?, leave it as i love it, or swap it out, would that work with the EMG's without overdriving, then i could swap em all around!!!??
so ksd to blue jazz, audere to ksd, and east to stock fender pups in the 75 reissue, (later to be replaced with dimarzios)

As it goes i love the KSD so im tempted to not mess with it, and the JZ4 and KSD pre are both side jacks so once fitted, are fitted for good!, the east is a straight drop in.
Any thoughts?

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