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Ashdown 1510HX Cab


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G'day people of Basschat.

Who wants to buy my lovely Ashdown cab? Its been like a good old friend to me over the past few years. We've been through hell and high water together (although its never actually been in any water, that would put anyone off buying a drenched rotting cab with knackered speakers), I promise it's not duff... That sort of bast*rd would sell a dead smelly cab on Basschat? Not me.

It sounds the nuts, so good it makes grown men weep. Its covered in nice black cloth and it weighs a bit more than a bag of sugar. (quite a lot more actually but I cant be bothered to weigh it). It will definitely make you a better bass player, I predict about 300% better within the first 20 minutes of using it. How can you turn down such a tempting offer?

Its a bargain at only £200. I'd pay more for it myself but I already own it so no need.

PS, you don't get my Ampeg head, but if you like the nice green paint on the wall I'll chuck in the rest of the tin in the deal.

EDIT: Here's her measurements. 35kg, 61cm high, 42cm deep, 72cm high.

Edited by Clarky72
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[quote name='Clarky72' post='1171874' date='Mar 22 2011, 10:51 AM']Just noticed there's a lot of Ashdown gear up here... hopefully the offer of free bonus paint will sell mine first! :)[/quote]

If you painted the cab itself, it would look a bit like the Trace cab that I am trying (unsuccessfully!) to sell! :)

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Sweet idea...

So if you want to buy my cab I'll personally paint it for you with any of the leftover paint in my garage, I'll paint a nice picture on it for you for only £10 extra then all your friends can marvel at your custom painted boutique cab and be jealous as hell when you rock out and pull your funky moves on stage... all the ladies will come running when they see your super fly new cab.

Alternatively I'll leave it alone if you want too.

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