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We've just bought some Mackie SA1521 active PA "Tops" which I've been messing about at home DI'd from my Sansamp to test them out and I loved the sound I was getting out of them at lower levels. Lots of clarity and plenty of bottom end, so I decided to DI straight in at our next practice which I've just had and I'm pretty impressed to say the least.

At practice levels, which are fairly loud, my bass was clear and punchy. They could do warm and round, or with a quick tweak of the Sansamp, gritty and aggressive.

I've probably got £900 tied up in bass amplification at the moment, if I were to sell that and buy another SA1521 as a (large!) wedge monitor, not only would I be £4-500 better off, but I'd have excellent tone and power FOH and plenty of stage volume for monitoring both Bass and my vocals...

The never ending cycle of equipment choice continues...

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[quote name='ben604' post='1177286' date='Mar 26 2011, 02:41 PM']We've just bought some Mackie SA1521 active PA "Tops" which I've been messing about at home DI'd from my Sansamp to test them out and I loved the sound I was getting out of them at lower levels. Lots of clarity and plenty of bottom end, so I decided to DI straight in at our next practice which I've just had and I'm pretty impressed to say the least.

At practice levels, which are fairly loud, my bass was clear and punchy. They could do warm and round, or with a quick tweak of the Sansamp, gritty and aggressive.

I've probably got £900 tied up in bass amplification at the moment, if I were to sell that and buy another SA1521 as a (large!) wedge monitor, not only would I be £4-500 better off, but I'd have excellent tone and power FOH and plenty of stage volume for monitoring both Bass and my vocals...

The never ending cycle of equipment choice continues...[/quote]

I've done the same, life is much easier. I run a Sansamp RB1 into the PA, but also have a power amp and a 15" in case we're playing backline only. All gear becomes much more versatile (e.g., the RBI gets used in the studio, as a DI box into PA, and as a pre-amp into a power amp), and a whole lot cheaper!

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I'll give it a go at our next gig, by when we'll have an SWA1501 Sub to compliment the tops, which should help things even further.

I actually meant to get in touch with you, Beedster, regarding your wedge monitor request. I'm a member of the Speakerplans.com forum and was offered some LEM powered tops for £400 a pair. They're 400 Watt 12" Polycarb jobbies, made in Italy, but pretty well regarded. I could pass the details on if you're interested. Not sure what your budget is, £200 per wedge is fairly expensive.

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