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Markbass Cl108 8x10 bass cab, only 40kg


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Markbass Cl108 8x10 bass cab for sale.
In very good condition.
IMHO the best sounding cab on the market.
1200 watts rms, 4ohms
It's like Ampeg SVT but 40kg instead of 60kg. Just a touch less bottom end than Ampeg, with a bit more midds. That's why it cuts through the mix like no other. It's not "muddy" as Ampeg and it has more punch (103db !). I was using it with my Markbass lm250 (250 watts) without plugging it to P.A. in very big pub (The World's End, Camden Town, London) and people could hear me across the street @ the Underground station :-))) Check the video:
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTOpcfzZ3T4"]Reversus @ The World's End[/url]

It brakes my heart to sell it but with baby due in 3 weeks it has to go :) (one fridge in the house is enough :)
Price: £880 (£400 less than new one):
[url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/mark-bass-cl-108/4279"]Visit My Website[/url]
Pics will follow.

Edited by lynxus69
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I don't know if I'll be able to afford this but I'm very interested! Would you say this sounds at all like the Ampeg SVT 610HLF cabinet? (thats the one with the tweeter) I love Markbass gear but I've been tone chasing after borrowing one of those at a gig once!

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Sorry, can't say - I never try that one.
I did try though svt-810 and prefer Markbass.
If you'd like to test it you can do it @ The Bass Gallery in Camden Town (London) where my speaker is now. If you like to buy it than contact me first and I'll remove it from the shop - you'd save money on shop's commission.

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