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Right oh,
Im thinking of looking at an all tube head. It needs to be warm and LOUD.

I play in a loud heavy band, think boris, Unsane, Old man gloom blah blah, I currently use a Sunn 1200s mid nineties hybrid amp with a pair of matamp 4x10's.

Of course I'd love a Sunn 300T/fender bassman pro 300 or an SVT II but they are mucho bucks.

Anyone got any other suggestions and what price I'd be looking at?
And where I can find them second hand other than Ebay?




[quote name='man_at_arms84' post='136374' date='Feb 8 2008, 11:11 AM']Right oh,
Im thinking of looking at an all tube head. It needs to be warm and LOUD.

I play in a loud heavy band, think boris, Unsane, Old man gloom blah blah, I currently use a Sunn 1200s mid nineties hybrid amp with a pair of matamp 4x10's.

Of course I'd love a Sunn 300T/fender bassman pro 300 or an SVT II but they are mucho bucks.

Anyone got any other suggestions and what price I'd be looking at?
And where I can find them second hand other than Ebay?



Hey if you wanna sell your Sunn give me a shout, can't afford it right now though. Buying a second GS412 so wouldn't mind a second 1200s to go with it. :)


[quote name='tayste_2000' post='136391' date='Feb 8 2008, 11:29 AM']Mesa Boogie 400+ is stupid loud STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID LOUD[/quote]
very true


[quote name='man_at_arms84' post='136374' date='Feb 8 2008, 11:11 AM']Unsane[/quote]
[quote name='tayste_2000' post='136391' date='Feb 8 2008, 11:29 AM']Mesa Boogie 400+ is stupid loud STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID LOUD[/quote]
You know that!!!!


Yeah I heard a band earlier this year using a Mesa boogie 400+. Sounded nice.

As for matamp they only make guitar heads right now.

Joe, my Sunn is currently knackered. Again. There's some god awful hum present. sent it to a tech who said he'd fixed it, but clearly he hasnt.

Toasted, yes they are awsome bands. check out mine [url="http://www.myspace.com/manateetheband"]H E R E [/url]. You may or may not like it.

Anyone got any ideas


Yeah I heard a band earlier this year using a Mesa boogie 400+. Sounded nice.

As for matamp they only make guitar heads right now.

Joe, my Sunn is currently knackered. Again. There's some god awful hum present. sent it to a tech who said he'd fixed it, but clearly he hasnt.

Toasted, yes they are awsome bands. check out mine [url="http://www.myspace.com/manateetheband"]H E R E [/url]. You may or may not like it.

Anyone got any ideas


[quote name='man_at_arms84' post='136856' date='Feb 8 2008, 09:10 PM']Yeah I heard a band earlier this year using a Mesa boogie 400+. Sounded nice.

As for matamp they only make guitar heads right now.

Joe, my Sunn is currently knackered. Again. There's some god awful hum present. sent it to a tech who said he'd fixed it, but clearly he hasnt.

Toasted, yes they are awsome bands. check out mine [url="http://www.myspace.com/manateetheband"]H E R E [/url]. You may or may not like it.

Anyone got any ideas[/quote]

What a ballache. Well, let me know if you decide to flog it, working or not.


[quote name='joegarcia' post='136955' date='Feb 9 2008, 01:27 AM']What a ballache. Well, let me know if you decide to flog it, working or not.[/quote]

Much rather get it fixed to be honest. You ever had your's serviced? and if so, Who did you do it with? The fender Europe guys never seem to be in the office!

Been reading about Peavey Classic 400. They looked pretty cool. Shame I wasnt wiser as a couple of years ago i remember one on ebay going pretty cheap.

Toasted thanks for checking us out. We're doing a split and touring with the freezing fog guys in march. Looking forward it.

Vegas, see you there.


Mines been sweet the whole time I've had it. Never had any problems at all. Any good amp tech (maybe not the guy you took it to before :) ) should be able to fix it I'd have thought, it's not a particularly unusual amp inside I don't think.


[quote name='joegarcia' post='137513' date='Feb 10 2008, 11:25 AM']Mines been sweet the whole time I've had it. Never had any problems at all. Any good amp tech (maybe not the guy you took it to before :) ) should be able to fix it I'd have thought, it's not a particularly unusual amp inside I don't think.[/quote]

Yeah mine was fine, (apart from blowing two cabs!) until I got a speaker lead stuck inside it in november. Had to crack open the casing to the speaker input to get the lead out. Then it started making weird noises. The tech said it was running short circuit and replaced the input. But it's still making crazy noises. Horrible. hum and farting on lower notes and some pops every now and then.
I've had to use a peavey mark IV for my last tour, which just doesnt have the power I need.
Thinking I might just get ANOTHER loan out and buy myself a 300 pro. :huh: cant really though as the G/F will kill me.

Someone give me a list of the loudest Tube amps I should be looking out for and what price they go for.
I'm thinking nash will know.

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