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Hi guys

Not sure if i need some help or am going slightly deaf.

i play a musicman Stingray though a Marshall MB450 and im really struggling to hear anything i play on the D and G strings.
I have adjusted the pick up so that it'shigher to those strings and further away from the low strings but i can't get any clarity.

I don't believe it to be the bass as when i pratice at home I use a tiny peavey and it's crystal clear.

im using the classic side of the amp.

I have a trace elliott equaliser pedal should i try this?

any idea's any help would be great


[url="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=stingray+quiet+g+string#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=site:talkbass.com+stingray+quiet+g+string&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=384aef4afa8e1652"]Isn't this a bit of a Stingray 'thing'..?[/url]


I have a Stingray V and haven't encountered the problem, although I have heard of the quiet G.

If it's ok on your practice combo then it could possibly be EQ related. Do you like a sound with loads of bottom end? Are the strings quiet even with the EQ set flat?

Posted (edited)

Agreed re. the EQ.
Alex Claber did an interesting article in BGM the other month. Something about Fletcher Munson Curves, where the practice (low) volume may sound fine at a certain EQ, but hoik up to gig volume at the same settings and it can become really boomy/bass heavy. As the good Doctor J has prescribed, turn it up with flat EQ, then boost the mids a bit and even cut the bass if necessary.

Edit - just saw you don't have a mid on the amp - try cutting both bass & treble, or boosting the mid on the Ray (if 3EQ)

Edited by Roland Rock

[quote name='chrisAngryman' post='1196336' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:44 PM']i have a mid control on the solid state side and may give this a bit of a go as it does give more control[/quote]

In my limited experience this happens if you boost the low on the bass too much, and even more so if you lower the mids.


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='1196305' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:19 PM'][url="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=stingray+quiet+g+string#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=site:talkbass.com+stingray+quiet+g+string&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=384aef4afa8e1652"]Isn't this a bit of a Stingray 'thing'..?[/url][/quote]

Mine (a 4 string, 3EQ) has a quiet G, the D isn't too bad.

Flattening the EQ on the amp and bass is the place to start.

I've also raised the action of the E, A and D strings a fair bit, lowered the G and also played around with the pickup height to try and even out the string balance. It's sort of good enough that within a few minutes of playing I'm subconsciously adjusting and compensating for the problem.

But it's still annoying and not really good enough on a £1K bass.

Posted (edited)

IIRC the MM has 12 or 15db of bass boost and that will wipe out your top strings on a lot of amps and cabs... you just can't run that sort of boost without a lot of hi end on the cabs and you'll need newish strings etc etc .. to get the top to cut through
Basically you have flooded the sound with too much bass.

Edited by JTUK

Agree, set everything flat on the amp and bass.

There is a mid control on the MB 450, however it`s called "Voice". There are three pre-sets:

1 - Classic voicing of a tube amp, slightly mid-scooped sound.
2 - boosted lower-mids, slightly scooped upper-mids, more aggressive sounding
3 - overall mid boost, for a more cutting sound

And a level control, to select how much of this you want.

I always found setting 1 to be the best, but it`s all personal taste, I like the slightly scooped Ampeggy sound.

Position 2 was the one that always seemed to have the most grunt to it.


+ 1 to all of that.

I can never set the bass tone control on the Stingray to full - its way too powerful for most styles of music and booms like crazy. I normally play with both treble and bass controls on the Stingray set to 3/4 and then do anything else on the amp - usually roll a bit of bass off.

It may be worth mentioning that you might also be fighting for the same sonic space with other band members. Guitars and keys when invading the realms of the bass space will really alter how the bass is heard. Maybe worth considering this.

It's worth persevering with the nuances of the StingRay as they are great sounding basses.


I think the OP should post this on the EBMM forums, im sure he will get more help. He will then find that its all just his imagination. :)

Sorry, couldn't resist.


[quote name='Roland Rock' post='1196327' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:35 PM']Agreed re. the EQ.
Alex Claber did an interesting article in BGM the other month. Something about Fletcher Munson Curves, where the practice (low) volume may sound fine at a certain EQ, but hoik up to gig volume at the same settings and it can become really boomy/bass heavy. As the good Doctor J has prescribed, turn it up with flat EQ, then boost the mids a bit and even cut the bass if necessary.

Edit - just saw you don't have a mid on the amp - try cutting both bass & treble, or boosting the mid on the Ray (if 3EQ)[/quote]

Interesting, why don't they create an amp which recalls what volume you set up your eq at and then alter the EQ based on the master volume is set too.

It would be a little bit approximation but should at least be worth a shot.


buy an f bass :)

jocking love stingray mine has the same problem the one i have with piezo magnet

so listen to my problem is very easy to understand the difference of the quite G because of piezo

in piezo mode is alive
and in pickup mode is dead

i am sure i ll get a nordstand pickup soon i cant help it
i play now the g stronger in my musicman
and thats bad for my Fbass(which is the best bass ever had) and i spoil my dynamics
is no good at all so i think i ll spend 100 quid to get a pickup :)


[quote name='dave_bass5' post='1196640' date='Apr 12 2011, 01:18 PM']I think the OP should post this on the EBMM forums, im sure he will get more help. He will then find that its all just his imagination. :)

Sorry, couldn't resist.[/quote]


also heavier gauge say 50 in G string eq blending and stuff like that dont work for me i dont want to change the dynamic of my ray as is a pickup fault

i think i should level the poles or buy a new pickup is the only way to sound as it should :)


Another Stingray D & G string complaint. I had that too and pushed the pole pieces in for these 2 strings and then raised the pup up that end and down for the other. Worked a treat. Search the fourm for this and other remedies.


[quote name='mep' post='1196748' date='Apr 12 2011, 03:10 PM']Another Stingray D & G string complaint. I had that too and pushed the pole pieces in for these 2 strings and then raised the pup up that end and down for the other. Worked a treat. Search the fourm for this and other remedies.[/quote]
you have to solder it ?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='chrisAngryman' post='1197187' date='Apr 12 2011, 07:07 PM']thanks gus for all the useful advice, I will try everythig tomorrow night that i can with the amp.

i'll post how i get on[/quote]

Just dont take my advice and post on the EBMM forums.

This is an old issue and there is no one fix. A lot can depend on how you play, what tone you go for etc. Certainly keeping the low end at bay will help but even that might be a too drastic change in your tone for your liking.

Ive had the same issues as you yet someone else has picked my bass up and its sounded fine, although it's not been the tone i would have gone for.

Good luck. For me a MM has been a bit of a compromise as far as tone goes so i gave up on it. I play with a pick so maybe that doesnt help.
I will go back to it one day though.

Edited by dave_bass5

[quote name='KERMITNT' post='1196820' date='Apr 12 2011, 02:06 PM']you have to solder it ?[/quote]

Check this posting by Funkgod [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78473&st=20&p=758098&#entry758098"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry758098[/url]

Also boost your low mids. The next thing you know you'll be cutting through that mix like you wouldn't believe it!

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