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Phil jones


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I absolutely love the tone I get from my pj briefcase,but have never had a chance to try one of the bigger amps in the range,I'm not referring to the flightcase but to their separate amp/cab setups.

Basically I'm wondering if you get the same quality of tone at much higher more gig friendly volume?

Edited by chrisd24
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I've no direct experience of Phil Jones gear, but from what I've heard through third parties, there is a definite family sound throughout the range. Getting gig friendly volume will depend on the type of music and the venue, but it doesn't look like you'll get the kind of sound pressure levels to keep up with a loud drummer until you get into the more efficient cabs they do - the 12B, 18B and 21B ranges. The 6B might just do it, but it's quite inefficient, so needs lots of watts to get a decent level, but is only rated at 300W, limiting it's sound pressure level output.

The 6B cab is quoted at 95dB, one watt at 1 metre, but with no indication as to what frequency or frequencies this is measured at. Therefore:
2 watts > 98dB
4 watts > 101dB
8 watts > 103dB
16 watts > 106dB
32 watts > 109dB
64 watts > 112dB
128 watts > 115dB
256 watts > 118dB
512 watts is over the rated input for the cab, so you are limited to about 118dB-119dB maximum with 300 watts, and even 256 watts may be more than the cab can handle for extended periods, either thermally or mechanically.

A loud rock drummer can usually generate anything between 110dB and 130dB at 1 metre.

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I tried the Suitcase and it sounded ok, but when I added the 4 speaker extension cab the sound came alive, all areas of the tone were just outstanding. I didn't buy it because it was too heavy and expensive. They've now changed all their cabs to neo.

PJB is making great products but he'd be selling more if he was making 410's and 112's!!

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I use an M300 and one or two 6B cabs depending on the gig. Sounds amazing - very clear and articulate - and it fills the room in a very natural, non-directional way.

A single 6B is fine in my roots acoustic band (two acoustic guitars and a keyboard through the PA, with an unmiked drummer), but for anything bigger I add a second 6B. I've heard the 12B is a really good single cab option, but that's pretty big!

I also have the two channel 100 watt Cub, and that is amazing for it's size.

Any questions, let me know.



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Thanks for the info guys.

I play only as a three peice with no drummer so don't need to be mega loud,it's mainly Celtic/bluegrass/country that we play so nothing to heavy.

I'm thinking the suitcase with an extension cab looks like a good option as I could just use the suitcase for smaller gigs and add the cab for bigger ones,unfortunately that very thing has just popped up for sale on this forum……anyone wanna buy a markbass ta501?…a gk neo 212?…a kidney?!

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