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Warwick Thumb NT 89


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My Warwick Thumb NT 89 has a slight clicking noise when hi-end boosted on either the bass or amp.
It been more noticeable since buying new bass rig SL600 & Berg AE112 which has a crystal clear tone.

Its a very regular and clock like ticking almost every second.

Any thoughts ?

Its not enough to over worry about. I'm more curious to know if its an inherant fault with these basses.

I've had the bass since new and never really noticed it before.


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[quote name='dmccombe7' post='1208917' date='Apr 23 2011, 08:52 AM']I'm more curious to know if its an inherant fault with these basses.[/quote]

It's not any kind of inherent fault that I've ever heard of. I've owned a few Thumbs over the years (inc several NT 89's) and there's never been a problem with them electronically... other than the ever present chocolate jack sockets! :)

If it's a regular/metronomic click I'd be inclined to say that it is the amp rather than the bass especially as you've never noticed it before. Try a few other basses (ideally another Thumb) and rather than EQ it to mask it I'd play about with the various settings to see if you can induce or make it worse so that you can establish if it is the amp or bass; nothing worse than masking a problem and one day it turns round and bites you back when you least need it (high pressure gig etc).

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Tried a bit of experimenting with my overwater and increased the hi end and found same.
Now looking more towards the amp.

Its a bit quieter with the overwater but that could be down to the tone settings.

Could it be the power switching on the amp (class D ?) ??

Its only there when a string is played and not while amp is "idle" if that's best way of describing.

Will wait for some feedback and see what comes out.

Its not loud - its just there very slightly.

I might add to the amp section now that its pointing towards the amp.

The electronics encapsulated box on my Thumb failed wks after buying and it was sent back to Warwick who replaced back in 89.
It is the only time i've known their electronics to fail completely. I was getting a loud pop when switching from passive to active. Extremely loud and at point where we were worried about PA speaker damage. I didn't use a bass amp back in the day.


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