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My new Overwater from Promenade


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Probably my favourite music shop is Promenade Music, in Morcambe. They are well worth a visit and on a sunny day like today, right on the sea front.

They have a good selection of Overwaters, both English and Chinese. And whilst there i played a lovely, natural wood, Musicman Stingray. I also had my first go on a Marleaux. I'm not keen on their look but it played nicely and sounded pretty cool too. Quite a big, rounded tone, with lots of scope for tweaking the EQ.

But i was lucky enough to come away with this Overwater J-Bass:

It's very similar to my other OW but with different pickups and electrics, it does come from a slightly diffrent angle, tonewise. I'm loving it :)

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[quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209708' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:14 AM']I love the grain on the top, and how it shows through the beautiful sunburst.

I'm possibly going to be after a Jazz bass later in the year. An Overwater would be very nice ![/quote]

Thanks. I think you'd be very happy with an OW Jazz. They certainly are the best that I have played.

Even with different pickups and preamps, these two do have a sound characteristic, that I really enjoy.


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[quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1209731' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:59 AM']I'm a Marleaux fan from Carlisle, the home of Overwater lol :) ,[/quote]

Those Marleaux basses are very individual and i can definitely see/hear the attraction. :)

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[quote name='grayn' post='1209773' date='Apr 24 2011, 06:07 AM']Thanks. I think you'd be very happy with an OW Jazz. They certainly are the best that I have played.

Even with different pickups and preamps, these two do have a sound characteristic, that I really enjoy.


What preamps do they use in the Jazzes out of interest? I never used to like the quiet, ultra clear, hi-fi preamps they made themselves because it wasn't round/woody enough and no attack either - saying that, they'd be perfect for tone moulding with pedals, preamps and eq'ing though I guess! I was told by the previous owner of my Marleaux that they used customized Glockenlang preamps, it was loud, vintage jazz sounding and fretless...I miss it so :)

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