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I am not going to get the Beiber gig because I am 25 years too old but, that aside, I am pretty confident that any MD worth his salt would recognise that I was not actually interested and my presence would be a negative influence on the band dynamic, even if I was up to the gig playing wise. But, if it was my choice, I'd walk anyway :)


Music is my hobby, its what I do for fun, and to relax, so the answer is no I wouldn`t do a gig/be in a band if I didn`t like the style of music.

However, if it were my profession, then the answer is yes, I would do it.


[quote name='SteveK' post='1209894' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:19 AM']I know there are many X Factor detractors here (myself included).
To those, a question: If asked to do the winners tour, would you?[/quote]


The thing is,there is a big difference,I think,between being offered a gig in a pub playing X Factor/Beiber songs and being offered the actual X Factor or Beiber gig.


I play for the money, it's my job

Who's Justin Bieber ?

I think you're missing the point though. My Dad's always said that my job is the same as a golfer or footballer, without the riches mind you.
I get paid for doing what I love to do, which is to play music. I don't really care whether that's country and western, 70's funk or trad jazz, it's all music. Every genre of music had its soul, it's down to you to find it.

Posted (edited)

Of course I'd do it.

At the end of the day, it takes just as much (on a professional level, not a technical level) to work with Bieber as it would with anyone else, so what's the difference? That a couple of bassists think you're a 'sell-out'? Who cares.

'Sell-out' is just the muso way of saying 'I'm jealous that *name* is getting paid to play huge gigs while I'm stuck in my day job with my only my musical snobbery/pseudo-principles for company.'

Edited by skej21

It's just a session gig, I'd play for someone I don't like if it'd get my name out there.

Anyway as a musician I feel it's important to experience all kinds of music, even stuff like Justin Beaver or Rebecca black which, lets face it, is sh*t.
Mixing the good with the bad, it's all progress and it's good sh*t man.


[quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209947' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:05 PM']I just had to google Justin Beiber to find out who he is. I've never heard of him before. Just goes to show I should get out more, and maybe listen to the radio lol.[/quote]
or maybe not. sometimes ignorance = bliss. :)


[quote name='Bilbo' post='1209891' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:11 AM']I am not going to get the Beiber gig because I am 25 years too old but, that aside, I am pretty confident that any MD worth his salt would recognise that I was not actually interested and my presence would be a negative influence on the band dynamic, even if I was up to the gig playing wise. But, if it was my choice, I'd walk anyway :)[/quote]

'Bieber & Bilbo' has quite a ring to it, though, don't you think?

I'd definitely buy a ticket.


[quote name='SteveK' post='1209894' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:19 AM']I know there are many X Factor detractors here (myself included).
To those, a question: If asked to do the winners tour, would you?[/quote]
Probably not, I don't like Butlins. :)


[quote name='skankdelvar' post='1209761' date='Apr 24 2011, 02:17 AM']....Surely the question applies to any job, musical or otherwise. Does one do it because one [i]has [/i]to or because one [i]wants [/i]to?....[/quote]

The worst gig I played was a joy compared to some of the 9-5 jobs that I've done!

I only have a vague idea who Justin Beiber is, but if he needs a bass player (and throws money my way) I’m his man.


[quote name='Heathy' post='1210026' date='Apr 24 2011, 02:16 PM']....'Bieber & Bilbo' has quite a ring to it....[/quote]
They sound like a mud wrestling tag team.

I'd definitely buy a ticket and probably get the DVD!


My brother is a great drummer. He is very fussy though - so much that he hasn't done a gig in years as he won't "lower" himself to play covers or be in what he considers to be a crap original band. He laughs at my musical prostitution and thinks i am a sell out playing each and every gig that comes my way. I guess its just two different schools of thought. He practices at home and records from his electronic kit along with cut and paste samples and makes some wonderful music that noone will ever hear.


[quote name='Doddy' post='1209919' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:48 AM']Yes.

The thing is,there is a big difference,I think,between being offered a gig in a pub playing X Factor/Beiber songs and being offered the actual X Factor or Beiber gig.[/quote]
Of course.

If someone wants to do JB, X Factor or work with any artist, I wouldn't have a problem...it's a free world.
However, I [i]would[/i] take issue with someone who was vociferous in their condemnation of said artist, and then, when offered a gig, accepted without hesitation.

N.B. Sorry to the op for bringing X Factor into the thread. I know marginally more about it than Justin Beiber. :) :)


[quote name='BigRedX' post='1210136' date='Apr 24 2011, 05:02 PM']The Beiber gig is just another day job. The money you earn at your day job is what allows you to do the things you really like.[/quote]
I really like my day job and also it allows me to do other things I really like.

If I could earn enough from playing music as a day job I'd be happy to do that too.

Posted (edited)

But would you rather be playing music? I like most of my day job, but I would much rather be playing music that I like and either be earning money doing it or be rich enough not not need to worry about the financial viability of it.

The way I see taking a musical gig that artistically you don't really care for is that it needs to open doors for you to do musical things that you do care for either through funding or artistic respect.

Edited by BigRedX
Posted (edited)

I play music to play live, if I had to play sh*te then I'd rather do that than work in a supermarket.

The other thing though, a lot of pop has more interesting basslines going on than some rock. A lot of rock is simple root quavers, lots of pop has some nice grooves going on.

And if someone was outspoken against how bad an artist was then accepted a job playing for them, so what? One of the bands I play in I know I couldn't sit down and listen to through a whole album, most similar bands I couldn't sit and listen to a whole song from without getting bored. I still enjoy getting out there and playing it though. Playing fun music and doing a fun show are two different entities, though not unlinked it's possible to dislike one and like the other.

Edited by ThomBassmonkey

[quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1210269' date='Apr 24 2011, 07:32 PM']I play music to play live, if I had to play sh*te then I'd rather do that than work in a supermarket.[/quote]

So very true :).

Music is music at the end of the day.


Yup, I'd do it. Chances are you'd spend very little time with him outside of rehearsals. He's off doing signings and interviews and [s]airbrush[/s] photo sessions, and you get to hang out with great musicians. That said, he may well be a likeable chap. Plus, you'd get more GAS tokens on payday...

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