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[quote name='alexclaber' post='392498' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:32 AM']New logo design courtesy of deksawyer:

The question is how big should the badge be?

Nice. Half the width of the top of the cab / grille?


[quote name='alexclaber' post='392498' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:32 AM']....The question is how big should the badge be?....[/quote]
This is brand recognition. You don't need to read it but the logo should be visable and recognisable in a TV or photograph shot or when glancing through a magazine, also on a stage, from the back of the room, and on a large screen at a festival.

I think it should be at least 2" x 8". Yellow's been done but a vibrant colour would be better than black and white.


[quote name='alexclaber' post='392498' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:32 AM']New logo design courtesy of deksawyer:

The question is how big should the badge be?

V nice! I'd say a third the width of the grille.


[quote name='Merton' post='392512' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:48 AM']V nice! I'd say a third the width of the grille.[/quote]

I second that.
I think half the width would be too much.
A 3rd is subtle, without being too subtle.

Very nice work Mr. Deksawyer too.



[quote name='Merton' post='392512' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:48 AM']I'd say a third the width of the grille.[/quote]

I like that idea. Trouble is, Alex has three cab models at the moment (with more on the way), and each one's got a different grille size. To cut costs, it might be an idea to fix on a logo size that can be applied to every grille equally effectively.

It's a compromise, but if it helps to keep costs down, that could be a very good thing.

I love the logo, but there's something that grates with me about the look of the "subtitle". Maybe something like this would work better:


(Apologies to deksawyer for messing with your work!)


[quote name='BottomEndian' post='392524' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:57 AM']I like that idea. Trouble is, Alex has three cab models at the moment (with more on the way), and each one's got a different grille size. To cut costs, it might be an idea to fix on a logo size that can be applied to every grille equally effectively.

It's a compromise, but if it helps to keep costs down, that could be a very good thing.

I love the logo, but there's something that grates with me about the look of the "subtitle". Maybe something like this would work better:


(Apologies to deksawyer for messing with your work!)[/quote]
Good point - a one-size-fits-all is so much more cost effective.

And to a degree I prefer your subtitle too...


[quote name='Merton' post='392531' date='Jan 27 2009, 11:05 AM']Good point - a one-size-fits-all is so much more cost effective.

And to a degree I prefer your subtitle too...[/quote]

How about having the logo [b]vertical[/b], that way it should fit any cab neatly and more importantly, look distinctive at a distance. (Don't have access to Photoshop/Illustrator at the mo, otherwise I'd show you what I mean ;) ).


I like it.

You could possibly have a large-ish dB logo (using that font) in the top left corner and the full one in the bottom right corner - a bit like GK's abbreviated logo and Hartke's model number thing. Ah, but then where would you put the model number?

This stuff is tricky!


Lots of useful feedback, thanks! I can't do the large dB thing because of dB Technologies who make PA gear, too close to trademark infringement. And yes, it'll have to be the same badge on all the cabs, just doesn't make economic sense to have lots of different ones. If I order enough I can get the price low enough and have a really smart looking badge. Vertical is an interesting idea but I imagine could be so detrimental to legibility that what you gain with uniqueness you lose on the other hand.

I wonder how important it really is to have a badge that is clearly visible on TV etc? How much does one rely on that kind of exposure now there's an interweb? Colourwise I think having the words in bare aluminium against the black printing should look very classy - unless someone can suggest a nice strong colour that no-one else is using and looks good?



[quote name='alexclaber' post='392955' date='Jan 27 2009, 05:38 PM']...I wonder how important it really is to have a badge that is clearly visible on TV etc? How much does one rely on that kind of exposure now there's an interweb?....[/quote]
It's about brand recognition and good marketing. These cabs won't mean anything to a casual internet browser, but if you're watching Glastonbury on the box and see you favourite player using a new cab you'll go looking for it, but only if you know what it is. To a greater or lesser degree, that's why Orange are orange, Markbass are yellow, Epifani wrote their name on the speaker cones, Hartke use aluminium speakers, TE are green and Peavey put those stripes down the front of their cabs. And it's why in the late 60's Leo Fender changed the logo on his basses, so they could be identified more easily on TV.


I've had a play about with some colours but I don't know if I like any of them

Probably shiny chrome or stainless steel may be the best. I think that the problem is that with colour, the logo looks a bit 'skateboarder dude'.


Damn it, you're right. I did have quite a few ideas in the way of making the cabs instantly identifiable but they all fell to the wayside in the mission for nice simple aesthetics and form following function...



I rather like the orange. (So predictable of me, hangover from my Uni band "Agent Orange"). But it's looking like shiny metal may be best. I think T-shirts could look nice though...

I wonder how much the non-standard form-factor will make them identifiable?



[quote name='alexclaber' post='393024' date='Jan 27 2009, 06:24 PM']I rather like the orange. (So predictable of me, hangover from my Uni band "Agent Orange"). But it's looking like shiny metal may be best. I think T-shirts could look nice though...

I wonder how much the non-standard form-factor will make them identifiable?


Is it possible to have the orange paint impregnated with some reflective 'bits' (shiny under lights) or even some form of luminescence (like some watch faces) so that after exposed to bright light it would still shine on a black/dark stage?


As you said, you've went for simplicity and efficiency with your cabs, so IMO the logo shouldn't be any different.

Being identified on TV wouldn't really be a priority of mine when designing the logo. At the end of the day, your cabs will be known by bass players for the right reasons, and once you build a reputation for quality and sound (which you hopefully will), then surely this will be your main selling point. I think the aesthetics of the cab come second to this, and I'm sure that sensible bass players buying cabs place visuals near the bottom of their checklist.



Right ! when are we going to get to hear one or all of your cabs here in the midlands ?
Northants to be exact !

Can't afford to take a punt on one at the mo I'm afraid, but would love to test one.



Chrome and black - stick to the formula!

Speaking of t-shirts, it'd be pretty cool if your logo became famous enough for novelty spoof t-shirts like "arsefaced" and "bumf*cked".


[quote name='Adee' post='393625' date='Jan 28 2009, 01:10 PM']Right ! when are we going to get to hear one or all of your cabs here in the midlands ?
Northants to be exact ![/quote]

Seeing as that's where I grew up I can't neglect you people! Hopefully if we have a UK Bass Bash it'll be in Northants again, in which case I'll be there.

[quote name='Adee' post='393625' date='Jan 28 2009, 01:10 PM']Can't afford to take a punt on one at the mo I'm afraid, but would love to test one.[/quote]

If you send it back in one piece then you can enjoy a Barefaced cab for a week or so for the cost of return postage (about £20). Cheaper than renting one?



The way I envisage the logo is a black satin screen print onto a brushed aluminium plate. Easy to do, not very costly, looks good and pretty hard wearing. Sizes; well it's a tough one but the long version above should be no less than 170mm long, preferably more. I approve of the modded text as well - well done.

This version should be around 100mm wide. The excess black areas are a bit of a bold move but I think it looks pretty smart. 2 versions - 1 with BFD in the middle and 1 with it offset to the top.



If the photo's are too big for your screen then press Ctrl - to reduce them. Press to Ctrl 0 to get back to normal viewing!



Hi i have been following the development of these cabs with interest especially the big one and vintage.
I hate to be the only voice of dissent but i don't like the logo at all, the font makes for a confused read and IMO 'barefaced' conjures up something more industrial which the logo typeface should reflect. Perhaps split bear and faced to make a square logo? If you look around you can find plenty of fonts on the net have a play around, i think the choice of logo is VERY important a lot people are swayed by looks first and you don't want to put that market section off.

If your interested in metal logo's a friend of mine works for a small company who do laser and water cutting if you can supply an engineering drawing i could get a quote for you, I think a bold logo cut from aluminum or stainless would look very cool.


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