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Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while

any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...


I know what you mean. Leave it off for a few months and come back to it when you're ready and join a new band.

Or learn a different instrument and start a new band?

Music, above all, is supposed to be fun.


Posted (edited)

do something different. play different music. get some books on technique. take a holiday.

change is as good as a rest.

if all that fails gimme your Jazz bass

Edited by BottomE

I done the very same thing a year or so ago. Gave it all up completely after my band split. Sold all my gear and was completely bass free. I have always said that the second I stop enjoying it is the second I'll stop. Being away from it has done me the world of good. I knew it wouldn't be forever. I regret letting go some of the gear I had. But the fun is in the building up of it all again.


[quote name='Jigster' post='1214809' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:57 PM']did they say anymore about what they meant ie. about lacking structure?[/quote]
Yeah it was basically the fact that my chordal knowledge wasnt up to scratch.. i agree.. ive always been quite a loose free player... thats why (if i dont give up) i maybe need to start disiplining my self..


[quote name='bubinga5' post='1214818' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:02 PM']Yeah it was basically the fact that my chordal knowledge wasnt up to scratch.. i agree.. ive always been quite a loose free player... thats why (if i dont give up) i maybe need to start disiplining my self..[/quote]
B5, I can guarantee that you are a leagues better bass player than me. I can't read, I sit on root notes etc. Your technical ability (whatever it is) is perfectly adequate for many bands, so wave goodbye to this lot and there will be someone else out there in which you will fit in perfectly. Chemistry between band members is more important than ability IMHO


[quote name='Clarky' post='1214821' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:05 PM']Chemistry between band members is more important than ability IMHO[/quote]

I'd agree with that - vibe over technique any day


[quote name='Clarky' post='1214821' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:05 PM']B5, I can guarantee that you are a leagues better bass player than me. I can't read, I sit on root notes etc. Your technical ability (whatever it is) is perfectly adequate for many bands, so wave goodbye to this lot and there will be someone else out there in which you will fit in perfectly. Chemistry between band members is more important than ability IMHO[/quote]
thankyou Clarky.. nothing like good ole Bass Chat guys to cheer a man up.. :)


[quote name='Clarky' post='1214821' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:05 PM']B5, I can guarantee that you are a leagues better bass player than me. I can't read, I sit on root notes etc. Your technical ability (whatever it is) is perfectly adequate for many bands, so wave goodbye to this lot and there will be someone else out there in which you will fit in perfectly. Chemistry between band members is more important than ability IMHO[/quote]

Amen to every last word of that.

Music isn't supposed to be a competitive sport (IMHO).

It should be enjoyable at EVERY level, otherwise it becomes completely unsatisfying, however much dosh you may or may not make out of it.

Stash you gear in the spare room ( don't get rid of it - been there and got the t-shirt) and just forget about playing altogether.

Get back to LISTENING to music more - stretch your musical horizons - and it'll only be a matter of time (doesn't matter how long!!) before you become [i][b]inspired[/b][/i] to pick up your bass again.

Hope none of that sounds too preachy but, with music, it genuinely IS about the journey and not the destination I think.


[quote name='bubinga5' post='1214791' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while

any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...[/quote]

hmmm kicked out of a band...??? sounds serious.

I actually don't know what you mean when you say 'structure' but you don't need to spell it out here if you don't want to.

I think we all get stale and a break is no bad thing, but depends what got you down..

If the gig needed more of the parts being nailed or read and that will fix it..get the energy to do that.
Sometimes a little set-back like this can be helpful in the long run.

At a certain level, bands are more about chemistry and a slight emphasis/empathy here and there than about your playing so you can look at it as just something that didn't work..
Of course, there may be other things like band politics or a mate in the backgroud etc etc etc ...

Sit down and reflect and then review it in a few days when the upset/blow has subsided


[quote name='bubinga5' post='1214791' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while

any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...[/quote]

Hey Andy

Firstly this could be the best thing that ever happens to your bass playing - I know getting a knock back is really painful and makes you really doubt yourself but like others have said, I'm sure you're pretty damn good bass player and don't let other's judgements undermine all the positives you have achieved. My advice is take this as an opportunity to take a fresh look at your strengths and weaknesses and maybe find a teacher who can help you adress anything you're not happy with in your playing... secondly I would continue to play the music that YOU love and try and find other musicians that love that style as well - get out to some jam sessions and just move on from what you've just been playing - you know you'll find a better band and be a better player in the future!

Hope that helps and don't give up!



There obviously wasnt something right... i respect the chap who told me hes a friend and a great keyboard player.. really knows his theory.. i think i need to analise my playing and see whats wrong... i felt a little bitter about it but there is no point in getting angry..


i think that the fact that you came on here to ask what people think means that really you dont want to give up but when youre feeling down the thing that people want to do is get away from the thing thats making them feel bad, which in your case is playing bass because you are relating it to playing in that band.

dont give up mate! not worth it!

bands come and go, i have been in too many, find something that you love doing and do it! :)

if it means learning a few more chords/notes/theory whatever then do it!

but dont knock it on the head because you got booted from a band


[quote name='bubinga5' post='1214849' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:28 PM']....There obviously wasnt something right... i respect the chap who told me hes a friend and a great keyboard player.. really knows his theory.. i think i need to analise my playing and see whats wrong... i felt a little bitter about it but there is no point in getting angry....[/quote]
Bitter is a negative emotion. Get positive, get angry, get mad and feed that energy into making sure you play the right notes in the right places.


B5 just remember that YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you strap on your bass and the sound rolls like thunder, think how good it feels.

This was NOT the band for you. Get into a band that suits you. Just cos these chaps may be good at what THEY do, it doesnt mean its the band to be in.

Just like your good pals on BC are saying, just keep playing and enjoy it.


[quote name='bubinga5' post='1214818' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:02 PM']Yeah it was basically the fact that my chordal knowledge wasnt up to scratch.. i agree.. ive always been quite a loose free player... thats why (if i dont give up) i maybe need to start disiplining my self..[/quote]

As a non reader who enjoys playing with a number of different bands, there are gigs out there for all abilities, so whilst upgrading your knowledge of course is always a good thing, its not a requirement to allow you to play out, I'm sure there are loads of bands who would have you that you'd enjoy playing with, but I guess thats not the issue

I stopped playing when I had kids, but I was bored of it anyway back then, lugging gear, playing music I didn't like etc, but since I got back into it after a long break, for the last few years I've got teenage passion again


Go to see a gig tonight.
If the bassplayer is good, you'll be inspired. If they're not, you'll come away thinking 'F*** me, I can do better than that'.

More seriously, don't give up mate. Anything that's worth doing doesn't come easy all the time.

And definitely do not stop posting on this forum! I love your Youtube links.


I think you've probably received the best advice already and from people far more experienced than myself but if I may...

If you enjoy playing then don't give up - simple as that.

If you feel that theory is something you lack and you want to learn, then dedicate some time to this and then start up a new band/project when you feel ready. If you are happy as you are (in terms of your theory) then have a little break, decide what direction you want to take and then either start up your own band/project or look for something else.

But try not to give up if you enjoy playing. I stopped playing for a while (intending it to be a short while), before I knew it I'd stopped playing for more than twenty years :)


Hmmm... sounds to me like the band put into words what you were already feeling about your position there.

It certainly doesn't sound like a good enough reason to give up though.

The old adage 'a change is as good as a break' might come in handy here.
Get your ar*e out there and go play some different musical styles.
It'll give your confidence a boost, add to the skills you already have and nurture a new sense of creativity.

Chin up mate. :)

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