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Hi all - my work on double continues. Carrying on through Simandl up to III position and trying to play as much music (apart from scales and exercise) as I can to keep things musical.

I'm fairly sure I can walk a jazz blues "correctly" (in terms of fingering that my classical teacher would approve of!) but I was wondering if anyone had a double bass fingering blues transcription.

If so would much appreciate it. My teacher is £50 p/hr and money is a little tight for me right now so would appreciate the help!




FWIW I am confident playing jazz and blues on electric bass and am more concerned with correct finger work than the actual approach to walking - not saying of course that there's not much more to learn, more that I am interested in how players are fingering certain shapes and ideas.

I do a lot of transcribing but of course that doesn't help with the fingering!


I have no such transcriptions (dots but no fingerings) but wanted to raise something that Neil Tarlton mentions in his beginning scales books, something I found really useful. IIRC, he calls it 'preparation'. In a nutshell, it relates to the movement of the relevant finger to the appropriate position [i]before[/i] it is needed not when it is needed. So, if you are in half positon and playing an Eb on the D string and the next note you require is a G on the E string, you should move your thrid/little finger to above the G so it is ready to play it as soon as possible. I found this concept resulted in a firmer time feel to my lines and phrases.

In terms of the OP, I find the actual [i]search[/i] for fingerings to be one of the more substantial learning activities available and am not sure I would want to be shown the way. Each to his own :)


Check this out - it's not so much a walking transcription with fingerings but melodies with fingerings instead, working up from simple to advanced. For about £6 plus postage it's well worth it.


(it did make me laugh (in desperation) when Andy writes that 'Teen Town' is a 'Great example of a line that is well suited to the instrument'. He may well be right, but he may well also be Superman.


Just bought the book Gareth recommended for £7.78 at the Book Depository, bizarrely it seems to have went up in price to £8.07 immediately after I bought it!



Thanks very much - looks like a good book, I'll buy it now. Cheers again!

If anyone still has what I'm after I'd be grateful too.

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