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questioner... I've never had a problem with the OTB particularly... it's always a varied backline on stage, depending on where/when/who/etc, so it's all down to bass/treble and big muff for my sound... however im getting right bored of soundguys getting confused/irritated with how 'hot' the OTB is! it seems that changing the valves wont particularly solve this problem?

would I be okay therefore in throwing a tenner at an attenuator, rather than going the whole hog valve wise?


im not against changing the valves either, but cant quite decide. from what you guys are saying, which ones I should get? (i play heavy rock, so y'know, everything on 11 innit).


  • 3 weeks later...

Before I got OTB500 I got a big scared about the DI 'issue' so, I got a -20db attenuator off've eBay for a fiver - never used it!

I did swop out the JJ's it came with (which was a suprise!) for some old Sovteks to calm it down a bit. 10 screws and a few twists of the valve covers, done in 5 mins.
It is an amazing bit of kit, although the rest of the band call it the Toaster! :-/

Posted (edited)

can anyone pick up my query?

I just wanna solve the issue of sound guys complaining about my amp being 'too hot' and sometimes DI'ing me! I have no particular issue with the gain/sound on the amp.

so should I replace the valves, or just buy a -20db attenuator? the sound guy at my last gig used one of those and still said it was hot, though he worked with it and the sound was fine. maybe it's my Big Muff pedal and the Geddy Jazz combination, but they always complain!

also, can anyone give me a quick link to useful valves. im not being lazy, but those websites look scary to me!! too many numbers and letters!! :blush:

Edited by Chest Rockwell

My experience is that re-valving certainly helps with the DI issue (check out the sound clips on p.1 of this topic, all of which were done through the DI) but doesn't necessarily cure it completely.

The attenuator thingy is great in the studio, where you can keep amp and cables away from clumsy punters / drummers / guitarists but I wouldn't recommend making a habit of it on stage. It's just too vulnerable IMHO.

Useful valves? Try [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/home.asp"]http://www.watfordvalves.com/home.asp[/url] though I don't much like their new website. Search for the appropriate code (AX7, ECC83, whatever) and then read their reviews.

If you have no idea what any of the codes mean, maybe start here: [url="http://vintageaudiovalves.com/preamp-tubes"]http://vintageaudiovalves.com/preamp-tubes[/url]

There is LOADS of stuff on t'Internet about this but be warned ... most of it is aimed at guitarists rather than bass players.

  • 2 months later...

[quote name='Chest Rockwell' timestamp='1347020076' post='1796070']
aah thank you sir!! I think I might change the valves AND pick up an attenuator then... get paid on the 15th so will search then! Thanks!!

Hiya, how did you get on with this?

Thinking about changing the valves in my OTB to reduce the gain a bit.


I have been wanting to do this for ages and recently, i did. I wanted a cleaner, yet still fat sound. I always found the OTB to break-up too soon. As i've said many times before, the OTB imo is the fattest sounding non-all valve bass amp i have tried. Having also owned the AD200B, it doesn't disappoint.
Originally, i thought i might just replace the V1 with a 12AT7, but i ended up replacing both with 12AT7s. I decided on a pair or East German RFT 12AT7s. Loads more clean headroom now, before any break-up sets in. Nice and fat too.


[quote name='Tee' timestamp='1354010396' post='1880655']
I have been wanting to do this for ages and recently, i did. I wanted a cleaner, yet still fat sound. I always found the OTB to break-up too soon. As i've said many times before, the OTB imo is the fattest sounding non-all valve bass amp i have tried. Having also owned the AD200B, it doesn't disappoint.
Originally, i thought i might just replace the V1 with a 12AT7, but i ended up replacing both with 12AT7s. I decided on a pair or East German RFT 12AT7s. Loads more clean headroom now, before any break-up sets in. Nice and fat too.

hi, where'd ya get them?



I know what yer mean but. telling me to 'look around' is like saying 'go find a blade of grass in that field'. like, how do I know what they'll sound like until I use them? I'll just copy you, and then if I'm not happy it'll be your fault ;)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='rOB' timestamp='1353613397' post='1876657']
Hiya, how did you get on with this?

Thinking about changing the valves in my OTB to reduce the gain a bit.

Hi, sorry I didnt see your post! I still haven't gotten around to it tbh. it's the 'hot' thing that's more of an issue for me than the sound :|

Ok. I've gone for the same ones Tee did (I did do a bit of hunting, honestly, i had notes already :) )

I must say that Watford Valves payment process/website is a bit rough. no final price, no postage confirmation, no inc.VAT price... but they take your card details. the order seemed to have my email address at the head of the delivery address, not my name, and when i tried to call them to confirm their 'phone lines are closed', at 2.45pm! Email has been fired off. We shall see...

Edited by Chest Rockwell

[quote name='Chest Rockwell' timestamp='1354035163' post='1881230']

I know what yer mean but. telling me to 'look around' is like saying 'go find a blade of grass in that field'. like, how do I know what they'll sound like until I use them? I'll just copy you, and then if I'm not happy it'll be your fault ;)

haha, ok. If you're looking for a cleaner sound, i don't think you'll be disappointed. You can still get some gain if you turn it right up, from about 3 o'clock.

  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Tee' timestamp='1354189015' post='1883226']
haha, ok. If you're looking for a cleaner sound, i don't think you'll be disappointed. You can still get some gain if you turn it right up, from about 3 o'clock.

Well, I finally went ahead and did it!

Had the laptop on and ready to go in case I needed to refer to this thread, followed my nose, started with the screws and had the things swapped out in no time. didnt even open up the web browser. Then took the toastery beast to practice and lo and behold it didnt blow up/fry!

the sound was lovely!! I never had a problem with the gain, but what it did give me is a far fuller, warmer sound. a little less of the clank I get when i go 'clean'. with my big muff on it was just more of the same, full and warm, but with the distortion that i usually play through. guys in the band were most complimentary too. :happy:

lets hope the next sound guy that DI's it is equally happy and I'll be quids in! :yarr:

cheers all!


[quote name='Chest Rockwell' timestamp='1354882798' post='1891547']
Well, I finally went ahead and did it!

Had the laptop on and ready to go in case I needed to refer to this thread, followed my nose, started with the screws and had the things swapped out in no time. didnt even open up the web browser. Then took the toastery beast to practice and lo and behold it didnt blow up/fry!

the sound was lovely!! I never had a problem with the gain, but what it did give me is a far fuller, warmer sound. a little less of the clank I get when i go 'clean'. with my big muff on it was just more of the same, full and warm, but with the distortion that i usually play through. guys in the band were most complimentary too. :happy:

lets hope the next sound guy that DI's it is equally happy and I'll be quids in! :yarr:

cheers all!
[/quote]Which valves did you go for ?


indeed! I found this site, which had a more explanatory description of the different types... and did a search for 'bass'!!

the ones that 'sounded' most suitable were the same as the ones you chose, so that was two ticks in the box, lets go shopping! ;)

First gig with the new valves tonight and the sound guy is usually good, so if he says 'hey your amp isn't running as hot anymore', chances are I'll get a cheer from the rest of the band! :D

  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, I am new to all this stuff so will ask a dumb question probably. I have an Terror Bass 500 and have filed away this useful page for when the time comes to replace the valves. Question: does the amp need to re-biased following replacement?


[quote name='BassYerbouti' timestamp='1358282591' post='1936394']
Question: does the amp need to re-biased following replacement?

Knowing zilch about this, the way I've understood it, one never has to re-bias the tubes in the pre-amp. Since the power stage on the OTB is without tubes, this should mean the answer is "No".

Not a dumb question, mind.
I've said it before: there are no dumb questions - only dumb people asking questions! :P

I hope I don't stand corrected on this one, or it's back to school for me.


  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='BassYerbouti' timestamp='1358282591' post='1936394']
when the time comes to replace the valves.

Also, preamp valves last for years and years, unlike some power amp valves, so you probably won't NEED to change, but you might like to for a different sound. The 12ax7s in these are pretty cheap anyway.


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1359126764' post='1950303']
Sounds like Tesco to me. ;)

Damn you! I was sooo looking forward to writing that!


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