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Has anybody tried one of these cabs, I am starting to think a 6x10 might be what I need and this cab might be a good match for my Mark Bass LMK Head. So Just wondering what does this cab sound like. Thanks


I A/B'd one with my amp with some other cabs down at Bass Merchant. Yes it has a deep tone and is a beast, but there was something about the tone of the cab that I just couldn't fall for. I'd like to try another to see if I still feel the same, but I felt that 2 Aguilar GS212's had the bigger, deeper clearer tone. - And thats the reason I ended up with an Epifani lol lol!!

I can't really describe the tone, but I would lump it in the same catagory as the Ampeh 610e and the Messa Boogie range. They have a character of their own that you here with every abss that is plugged in. I don't mean this is necessarily a bad thing. A P bass with an Ampeg is a joy to behold.. but is kinda 'one sound'. I prefer the flexibility of having a cab that impinges less on the final sound.. if that makes sense.


[quote name='neilb' post='140959' date='Feb 15 2008, 12:08 PM']Is'nt "impinge" a lovely word.[/quote]

I must admit, I didn't check to make sure i'd spelt it right! - I think it describes perfectly what I was thinking. ;o)


Thanks for that Dood, I think I see you have the Epifani 6x10 that must sound like a monster!!!

My main worry was that being used to 12" Aguilars the 10" Marks would give less bottom end, I probably should drive down to Bass Merchants in my Norfolk Tractor to see what he has in store.


[quote name='Smash' post='140968' date='Feb 15 2008, 12:17 PM']Thanks for that Dood, I think I see you have the Epifani 6x10 that must sound like a monster!!!

My main worry was that being used to 12" Aguilars the 10" Marks would give less bottom end, I probably should drive down to Bass Merchants in my Norfolk Tractor to see what he has in store.[/quote]

Ah! You use the aggies then? I hadn't realised lol!! I am interested in getting some sort of 12"'s solution for writing sessions!

The Epi certainly has woofs of natural bottom end. It doesnt need a great deal of EQ to apply too much, which is a good thing. I think the Aggie 2x12's sounded very full as a pair of cabs. I think the bottom end maybe a little more punchy with tens. A large cab such as a 6x will offer up and deliver a good solid and surrounding bass end, that is for sure.

I'm gonna seel my SVP with a view to getting a small cab.. I really want the Epifani 1x12, as it has some really good reviews, but I have a short list of other cabs I am interested in as well..


Yes I use Aggies, I remember about 18 months ago it seemed the cab of choice, so I bought 2 of them, they are really great cabs, its so nice to have such a compact loud rig, but still I think I prefer having more speakers. So like you said a pair of 2x12 Aggie's would be an ideal choice, but then the weight factor etc etc oh damn seems like I want my cake and eat it lol.

Maybe 6x10 would be good love the look of yours Dood or something like a Tech 4x12 being ultra light. I just never have found an all in one cab that has suited me yet, unless there is an Accugroove Whappo Jr floating about, now thats a cab I do like.


I reckon the tech 4x12 mate ;O) I actually think that looking back on things, I should have kept my 2 Tech 4x10's. I think they had the edge on the tone.

You live and learn! _ I love the tweeter sound on them. If I had the cash spare, I think I'd go as far as buying one of the ND's again! But I have to sell stuff first!

Hmmm.. I really liked the Aggies. Would have been nice to have AB'd them with the Tech's at the time, but I had sold my Techs long before going shopping for new cabs.


Hmmm I think maybe your right, 4x12 does sound good, can't believe you got rid of 2x 4x10 Tech cabs they must have been great.

Its all a matter of:

4x12 Aggie - Cheaper but Heavier
4x12 Techs - Hard to get but Lighter

Damn Bass GAS


[quote name='Smash' post='141048' date='Feb 15 2008, 01:54 PM']4x12 Techs - Hard to get but Lighter[/quote]

I have a tech 4x12 that'll be available mid-to-end of april. There's a thread about it in the for sales section...


[quote name='Smash' post='141048' date='Feb 15 2008, 01:54 PM'], can't believe you got rid of 2x 4x10 Tech cabs they must have been great.[/quote]

looking back on it.. me either!

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