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5 string fretless Stingray - potential trade... PICS NOW UP!!!


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I have a bitsa 5 string Stingray Fretless that I may let go for trades.

Its a genuine USA made lined stingray neck, with a black headstock. OLP black body and other heardware, and a John East MM Stacked Preamp.

The neck was de-fretted by SIMS, and has green LEDs in (not currently connected up). Its got pretty new D'addario Chromes on.

Its an amazing bass and I can supply pics if anyones interested. I'm not looking for a straight sale, but, if something fretlessy, and ideally passive came up I'd consider trades.

Let me know what you've got!


Edited by aj5string
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[quote name='aj5string' post='1255464' date='Jun 3 2011, 02:08 PM']I'm pretty sure its not required for a trade only deal...

Thanks for the bump tho!!! :)[/quote]

Mmm, I think you'll need to let potential traders know what ballpark price you value your bass at though. It's an odd combination; defret, OLP body, etc. Perhaps at least say what type of basses you're looking for?


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Value wise i'd be looking in the ballpark of what the bass owes mde - approx £600 (£300 for neck, £160 for olp, £100 for the john east pre amp & £40 on other bits and pieces...)

I'll sort some pics later today...

Trades, has to be fretless, would prefer passive but thats not a must, 5 strings would be a plus but i will listen to offers of 4s. As a guide my main bass is a fender jazz - i really am looking to see what people offer tho!

Thanks - alex.

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Apologies for the poor phone pics, but they give an idea whilst my camera batteries are charging!


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