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Further mods to an Ibanez GSR-180


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Hello chaps

Thought I'd plumb the depths of knowledge here further. Some may remember a build/mod thread I started last year detailing the changes I made to my current Ibanez GSR-180 ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90862"]here[/url]).

Well, it was a successful mod and I'm very pleased with the result. So it got my thinking about what else I could do to the bass.

Had a trawl on the Seymour Duncan website for sh*ts 'n' giggles and found that they do Classic and Hot Stack Jazz Pickups with hum-cancelling windings. Not only that, they have 4-wire lead-outs, so would be able to be coil-split or tapped - am I correct in this assumption? What I'd like to do is stick a pair of Classics (or Hot Stacks - somebody please explain the difference!) and coil-tap the pickup in the Bridge position only. I'd keep the internal wiring all the same then i.e controls would be VVT, and the coil-tap switch would just change over the Bridge pickup from series to parallel. The Neck pickup would remain as wired in series hum-cancelling mode.

OK peeps, am I mad for wanting to do this?

Second question, could I mix 'n' match Classic and Hot Stack p'ups in the same bass? Maybe a Classic in the Neck position and a Hot Stack in the Bridge? Has anyone got any experience with these p'ups? Soundclips?

Thanks for indulging me!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Further on to my last post, was thinking about getting a cheap s/h 'beater' Jazz bass (preferably in black) and modding it, maybe make a 'stealth' bass. Either that, or an identical Inanez GSR-180, but in black.

Some thoughts that occured to me - changing out the pickups etc, leaving the neck pickup in, but either disconnecting it and solely relying on the hum-cancelling properties of having a humbucking pickup in the bridge position, or leaving it in and recessing it (kinda like the Ray HS), wiring it in switchable series/parallel with the original bridge pickup, like a phantom/hum-cancelling coil. I've seen someone on this forum do something like this - can't remember the thread on this now.


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