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From reading other threads and doing a bit of research, im still a bit confused whether this would work.

If i were to get an 8 input usb audio interface, would it be able to record multiple tracks with it or will it just bung the whole load into one track.

My laptop is a 64 bit, windows 7, 4 gb ram and 500 gbs of memory. I think its a i5 processor. I dont now if this will help.

Any input, its something im looking at getting in the near future as i can really upgrade my laptop to something with firewire at the moment.

Or can i get somekind of external firewire port to plug into the computer.

Sam H

Posted (edited)

A device with 8 inputs can't necessarily record on 8 channels at the same time. You need to dig deep when researching each device.

Be wary of spiel in product listings.

Edit: it's got less to do with transfer speeds and more to do with cost. Inputs = cheap, outputs = expensive. So some manufacturers mislead you into thinking you can record 8 tracks, when everything is actually mixed down to 2.

Edited by Eight

What make and model device is it exactly?

Unless you put your system under very heavy load while recording (ie playing back a complex mix during overdubbing with a lod of vsts on all the channels etc etc) there is no reason to that USB2 would nopt manage to record 8 tracks at once.

An i5 processor should be fine with a reasonably well configured system.

But what is the device in question....


Im not to sure, i was looking at some m-audio and tascam ones but have been on the lookout for some second hand motu interfaces, as they seem to get alot of praise.

Ive been looking into whether it would work more-so at the moment. And it seems it will so from an quick ebay scan, those makes seem to pop up alot.


On a budget, you could look at the Line6 UX8 which not only records 8 tracks separately as requested, you essentially get a POD X3 and a whole host of other functions thrown in to boot. Makes great sense especially when it comes to 're-amping' from a dry signal later on if you weren't happy with any of the recorded sounds.


It seems to be "out of catalog" to all the webshops / shops.
Maybe Lne6 will release the new version soon ? (Toneport being an "old fashion" name)

Probably a POD Studio UX8 to be released soon :)


check here: [url="http://dirkwitte.nl/hardware.php?offset=36"]http://dirkwitte.nl/hardware.php?offset=36[/url]
They have few items left in the shop and yes, they speak English :)

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