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Hey people of the internet,

My bass playing days are at an end, hence this sale.


Ok, so I got this in December '10. I traded my TD650 for this with Shep a.k.a pantherairsoft. If you know Shep, you'll know he looks after his gear very well. And in the 6 months or so I had it I didn't even get to gig with it. Did a couple of band practices but that was all. So maybe the 5 hour trip to go swap amps ultimately proved to be a pointless exercise (for me anyway). But the upshot of this is that it is in fine condition. This amp is unique in that it has fancy blue lights (BLUE!) rather than the normal red ones because of something or other that Shep did to it. It looks good, man, y'know, if you're into cool lookin' amps. Maybe I should have taken a picture of the blue lights, but I didn't think of it at the time. Oh well, you know what blue looks like, right?

Original thread is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=112929&hl=ebs+fafner"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=ebs+fafner[/url]

Just did a quick search and the lowest price I've seen it for is £600. So I will also say £600 please.

EBS Neo 2x12

I bought this off Bryan a.k.a BBass about this time last year. The original thread is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=94835&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=94835&hl=[/url]

It is pretty much in the same condition now as described by Bryan last year. However, the sticky pad that was holding the EBS logo on has, alas, lost its stick and thus the EBS logo is no longer attached. I didn't do anything about it because I didn't think it was too detrimental to the look of the thing. I'll include it obviously, but I'll leave it up to you to put it on (if you care) as I would probably just mess it up, like I do everything. I gigged this one moderately - maybe between 10 and 20 gigs in the year that I played it and it underwent quite a few practices too. But it isn't any worse for wear after all that. Y'know, these cabs are pretty resilient. That's why people like 'em I guess. Also they sound good.

I'd ideally like to get back what I paid for it, given that the condition is the same. So I'll say £400.

For obvious reasons I'd prefer collection or meet up. But if you absolutely have to have them couriered to you I'll see what I can do about that. Where there's a will there's a way, right?

Here is my feedback! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=89202&hl=ebs+fafner"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=ebs+fafner[/url]


Hey Charlie,

Shame To see you're giving it up!

Miss my Fafner!!! Lovely amp. If I had the money I'd have it back, and if take the cab as well. This is a stunning setup & someone should snap this up!!


I had this exact same rig for a while - kicks some serious ass :)

I paired the 2x12 with an additional 2x10 but that was almost too much for me!


Ok, there's quite a lot of interest in the cab - I can't imagine that being here that long.

Anyone feel like treating themselves to the Fafner? :)

Don't worry Shep, I'm not giving up bass for good - I just don't have the opportunity to play it much, if ever, so I'm just going to hang on to one bass and a practice amp and let this go.

Doesn't make much sense to have so much money tied up in a rig I, sadly, won't be using. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone interested in why the front light is blue here's the low down -

The Fafner has a known issue with blowing it's little red lightbulbs. The panel that glows basically has the valve behind it, and behind that a glorified outdoor Christmas tree light. As light builds are fragile at the best of times there blow just from taking the amp to gigs and back. Many Fafner users have never had one pop, however most have been through plenty. Contact EBS and they'll own up to the problem and send you a pack of lightbulbs free of charge. I got through 4 in as many months and asked EBS about doing something about it.

They mentioned that Bernie Goodfellow of GB Guitars had developed a work around as he was at the time, thier UK distributor. I spoke to Bernie and he mentioned they'd found a way to solder in a couple of bright LED's to the bulb fitting, effectively replacing the need to ever fit a bulb to it again. I took it to him and an hour later hey presto. I picked blue as it fits with the EBS colour scheme.

Bernie is no longer the EBS distributor so I imagine he would either not do this anymore, or charge a fair whack to do it as they aren't 'his' business anymore. As such, there aren't many of these 'modded' ones around!


  • 3 weeks later...
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