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ebay dodgy listing with potential scammer!

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Please be cautious if considering bidding/buying this Ltd Ed Streamer bass on ebay... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-Ltd-/280699779233?pt=Gitarren&hash=item415b02b8a1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-Ltd...=item415b02b8a1[/url]

Why you ask am I saying be cautious? Well I know for a fact I didn't sell the bass to the ebay seller and one of the images of the bass that he has used is MINE! :)

I did sell my bass a few years ago to BCer, Gremlinandy and I'm fairly certain that he hasn't sold it; though I've PMd him to check if he sold it I thought I'd put this up as it might be better to be safe than sorry.

If you look at the images that the seller has used you will also note that the front facings of the images are of different basses. So he's pulled images from listings or forum pics of at least two of these basses... I'd be very wary! :)

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I asked:
Hallo igor3video,

By the look, the first and second pic are of a different guitar. The strap hangers and the figuring is different. Can you tell me which is the bass for sale?
Could I have a serial number to check it out?

And have received?

Yes, you're right. The second picture is the one for sale in this auction! I'm having both of them - accidentally used a wrong pic. Thank you, I'm gonna correct that immediately.
You can find the serial number in the description: H2081-00589

Sorry if answers are taking some time - I always have to ask someone to translate.


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[quote name='jmsjabb' post='1277729' date='Jun 21 2011, 08:52 PM']And he has removed your picture![/quote]
'I'm having both of them'... chuffin greet big liar then! GremlinAndy still owns the other bass that was pictured and that is a fact. :)

So he's now pulled the picture that incriminates him as a liar/scammer; that's a shame. :)

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I'm not meaning to question people who know much more than me on this topic of course, but I'm curious about something - how do you know that the one that was pictured is your bass? Couldn't it be one that's almost identical?

From the current listing, I personally can't see anything that's likely to be fake or whatever, but again, I'm no expert.

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[quote name='Johnston' post='1277774' date='Jun 21 2011, 09:19 PM']I think because the seller even used one of Mr Hunts pictures.

So it's the same bass or the bugger sneaked into Warwickhunts house and took some photo's.[/quote]

Gotcha. I thought he just meant it was the same bass, not his actual photo.

Sorry about that!

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Anyone know what mybilling.de is? It also featured this bass with a link to ebay.de


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[quote name='Evil Undead' post='1277775' date='Jun 21 2011, 09:20 PM']Gotcha. I thought he just meant it was the same bass, not his actual photo.

Sorry about that![/quote]
It is indeed my photo (lifted either from BC or the Warwick Forum when I had it for sale) and duly posted in this thread direct from my current photobucket account but tbh the birdseye maple is so distinctive you'd be hard pushed to not spot the 'fingerprint' of that bass.

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I have a sneaking suspicion the seller has used info skimmed from one of my threads on the Warwick forum (maybe even a forum registered user) as the bumpf he has written about it being the 5th anniversary bass is b*llocks! HOWEVER, it is very reminiscent of stuff that was posted on one of my threads about various Ltd Ed Warwick basses 'including' a completely different 5th Anniversary bass. :)

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