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Well, I've finally made some moves for renovating the old Squier, the scratchplate is here, the Wizards are on order, and I'm splashing on a Badass II tomorrow when I get paid :)

The question is..... do I wire up with a blend pot and a master volume, or do I put individual volume controls in? I'm swaying towards the blend pot, but i'm open to suggestion.

Pros and cons??

Posted (edited)

[url="http://www.alembic.com/club/messages/402/26700.html?1150007109"]http://www.alembic.com/club/messages/402/2...html?1150007109[/url] - Beware! - It's quite dull. I'm happy with the 2 vols on me Jazz and it's probably the only thing I haven't changed! There's also something about signal bleeding off when one pup is turned down, but I think that's only parallel wired and the P pup is series. And I don't know if the pan would be the same. Sorry, that's not really much help is it? :huh: If you do go pan, try and get one with a centre detent...

Good call on the Wizards / Badass combo :)

Edited by johnnylager

[quote name='mike257' post='148305' date='Feb 28 2008, 11:10 AM']Well, I've finally made some moves for renovating the old Squier, the scratchplate is here, the Wizards are on order, and I'm splashing on a Badass II tomorrow when I get paid :)

The question is..... do I wire up with a blend pot and a master volume, or do I put individual volume controls in? I'm swaying towards the blend pot, but i'm open to suggestion.

Pros and cons??[/quote]

If you use a blend pot and set it central for 'both pups max' you'll actually be getting both pups half volume. So unless you use a very short lead or an onboard preamp you'll lose top end. Which might not be a problem but personally I prefer the both-pickups-straight-to-jack sound.


On option that I was turned onto after reading about Dingwalls was to have a rotary selector switch. Their's is a 4 position set to be neck - neck+bridge (series) - neck+bridge (parallel) - bridge (Note I may have got the middle two mixed up, but you get the point).

I myself opted for a 4 position with off - neck - neck+bridge (parallel) - bridge. It's great cos it means I always get max volume out of each pickup in each setting, I have a master volume control AND I have a kill switch option. I don't feel like I'm missing tonal variety either. The switch cost me a few pennies from Maplins. Just another idea to throw into the mix.



Loads of great advice here, thanks a lot guys!! Hmmm.... the switch sounds a nice idea actually.

I'm pretty fond of having a master volume on my basses, but I don't like the idea of losing the tone with a blend like that, I want to make the most of my shiny new pickups!!

The only drawback with the switch might be if there's a jump in volume between the P and J. Anyone know if there'd be much of a difference in output level between a Wizard Thumper and an 84?


[quote name='mike257' post='148378' date='Feb 28 2008, 01:10 PM']Anyone know if there'd be much of a difference in output level between a Wizard Thumper and an 84?[/quote]
Give Andy at Wizard a ring, he'll know.


[quote name='mike257' post='148378' date='Feb 28 2008, 01:10 PM']Loads of great advice here, thanks a lot guys!! Hmmm.... the switch sounds a nice idea actually.

I'm pretty fond of having a master volume on my basses, but I don't like the idea of losing the tone with a blend like that, I want to make the most of my shiny new pickups!!

The only drawback with the switch might be if there's a jump in volume between the P and J. Anyone know if there'd be much of a difference in output level between a Wizard Thumper and an 84?[/quote]

I used a switch for a while but it became crackly. I think this is probably because it was a Maplin cheapy and the signal from pups is low. A switch with gold plated contacts wouldn't crackle.


[quote name='johnnylager' post='148381' date='Feb 28 2008, 01:17 PM']Give Andy at Wizard a ring, he'll know.[/quote]

Not a bad idea mate.... he's making my pickups today, I'm almost too excited.

[quote name='bremen' post='148382' date='Feb 28 2008, 01:21 PM']I used a switch for a while but it became crackly. I think this is probably because it was a Maplin cheapy and the signal from pups is low. A switch with gold plated contacts wouldn't crackle.[/quote]

Any suggestions where to source one? Oh, and I just looked at your pic properly for the first time... made me chuckle :)


I'm not a big fiddler once I'm playing, to be honest. Even with the 3 bands to play with on the 'ray, I tend to find somewhere I'm happy and leave it there, I like the simple approach!

You know where you stand with everything on eleven :)


[quote name='mike257' post='148425' date='Feb 28 2008, 02:45 PM']Not a bad idea mate.... he's making my pickups today, I'm almost too excited.

Any suggestions where to source one? Oh, and I just looked at your pic properly for the first time... made me chuckle :)[/quote]


Not cheap...and will need some bodging to fit a 'normal' knob, it's a 4mm spindle.


Cheers for your words of wisdom everyone.... I think I'm going to go with Vol/Vol/Tone for now, seems a shame to waste the output of my pickups with a blend knob. I guess if I really miss the master volume, I can always just rewire it!!

Ordered the pots and stuff from WD last night, and they came this morning!! Gonna give the body and neck a good clean and start the wiring next week while I wait for my badass to land. I've been saying for two or three years now that I'm gonna fix this bass up, so it's about time really :)


[quote name='mike257' post='149362' date='Mar 1 2008, 10:44 AM']Cheers for your words of wisdom everyone.... I think I'm going to go with Vol/Vol/Tone for now, seems a shame to waste the output of my pickups with a blend knob. I guess if I really miss the master volume, I can always just rewire it!![/quote]

:) Way to go....!


Good choice!

When it comes to passives I think vol/vol just sounds better than mvol/mix.

It's a mod I'm planning on for my Corvette passive once I've settled on new pickups.


Is there a way of wiring a vol pot just on the j pickup?

I'm thinking (when I eventually get round to building a bass) of having a vol pot on the j - and a master vol pot. 2 knobs.

90% of the time I play with both vol pots up 100% - sometimes I turn my j down a bit.


Oooooooooh this is all getting a bit techie.....

Lets put itt in R+T and see what response you get, My thougths are yes but you'd need a togle switsh to switch ot the other pup and isolate the J....

See what teh others reckon....


[quote]Is there a way of wiring a vol pot just on the j pickup?

I'm thinking (when I eventually get round to building a bass) of having a vol pot on the j - and a master vol pot. 2 knobs.

90% of the time I play with both vol pots up 100% - sometimes I turn my j down a bit.[/quote]

Yes, I had a friend who did this on his Precision - P p/up straight to the front knob and J p/up via a new audio taper pot (where the treble bleed pot had been) on to the front vol.


[quote name='clauster' post='151966' date='Mar 5 2008, 07:26 PM']Yes, I had a friend who did this on his Precision - P p/up straight to the front knob and J p/up via a new audio taper pot (where the treble bleed pot had been) on to the front vol.[/quote]

Ah cool - so it is possible then.

So that should mean Master Vol / J Pup Vol / Tone is also possible.

Instead of P Pup Vol / J Pup Vol / Tone which I have on my current bass.

Is this an easy mod?


Should be so long as you're okay with a soldering iron (might want a multimeter too unless you're already sure which tab is which on your pots).

All you'd need to do is disconnect the cables from the J vol to the tone and reattach them to the p vol.

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