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I bought this from toasted a couple of months back, and although ive really enjoyed it ive had increasing need/want for a more synthy sound within my band, so im going to try and sell this on and go for a microsynth, il be willing to part ex for one too if you like.

There's alot of different tones in the box from fairly low gain sounds to really stong distortion, and also the mid switch really can make it quite aggressive and cutting or softer and more mellow. The tone control on this works really well, giving big-bass sounds but also allowing good treble sounds and bass-cut sounds. Using it at relatively high gain settings with the tone all the way down really makes that muse-y sound. Its a versatile unit with low distortion shimmers to big low end growls.

Il try and get a sound clip up soon, but in the mean time heres a picture. Oh and yes it has a red led.

Edited by mr.sibs
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