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The speaker in my Laney cab has given up the ghost and I'm looking for a replacement that isn't going to break the bank. A friend of mine suggested Blue Aran and I was looking at the Eminence Legend CA154 and the Celestion BN15-300S. An engineer friend of mine directed me towards the Celestion based on it's specs, but I thought I'd see if anyone on here has any experience/further advice on the mentioned speakers. Picture of said cab is attached if it helps any.

All help/advice/opinions are welcome :-)


I've respeakered a Laney (combo) many years ago with a Celestion & it was great, sound wise the match was spot on. I've also respeakered a Marshall 800 with 2 Eminence Delta's from Maplins & that shifts a lot of air now; & they're relatively cheap.
You'd probably be happy with either of those.


Look at the specs of your driver or cab & get one that matches. If you put a random 15" driver that needs a different dimension (eg: how many cubic litres your box is or what the port is) then you're not going to get the best from it & there's the possibility a good driver could sound guff in the wrong enclosure.


Whilst its not the only spec that matters, far from it - try and always get the XMax from the speaker specs. I recently discovered that despite crazy thermal ratings (300w and upwards), if the Xmax is poor - the speaker could fart out and sound very poor.


Well, here's where I look like a n00b lol. After further inspection, it turns out that the speaker was just loose :) But then, to my dismay, I sipped with the screwdriver and pierced the surround! While it sounds fine, I fear this will deteriorate and a new speaker will be required. Is a quick fix I can do in the mean time? The current speaker in it is a H/H Invader and I'm having trouble finding specs for it.

Meanwhile, the cab dimensions are as follows: 630w x 375d x 695h (mm). The Eminence Legend CB15 should be fine, but not sure about the Celestion. I could do without the expense of a new speaker, but I feel it may be iminent!

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