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What would you recommend for an agressive, long sustain bass ?

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[quote name='krazy_olie' post='1320131' date='Jul 29 2011, 11:15 AM']g&l l-2000, crazy aggressive when in series mode. Or EBMM sterling?[/quote]

Yeah G&L 4-string bass are really nice, tried one and really liked it.
But looking mainly for a 5-string i didn't gave it much attention.
And in 5-string G&L lack of a good low B.

Finally seems that ppl just sticks to 4-String bass rather than 5-string ones :).

About the sterling i have no idea, never heardd one yet.
Are Sterling harsher than Rays ??

Thanks again for all the suggestion over that place, this is just awesome !!


[quote name='analogrowl' post='1320127' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:10 AM']So [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147084"]that[/url] one would do the job pretty much better for a ray for example ? Never tried a ray yet so i can't really judge them, just a friend of mine who advice them.

Also our band was initially into stoner, we are more doom/sludge oriented now.[/quote]
Hmmm. I think given the choice, I'd go for the ray. :) ... because it is more versatile. (I don't believe woody mud is the tone you are after)

I think the G&L suggestions are good too. Those MFD pickups will drop a city if you want.

Imagine playing one of these (or the 5 string)...


[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1320155' date='Jul 29 2011, 11:29 AM']P.S. I can't stop reading your name as "anal growl" :lol:[/quote]

Haha that sound nice indead !!
Well u just confirm the fact that english people are kinda kinky which is just fine.
Never had that in mind when choosing that nick name, was a mix of analog and growl.
Mainly because we use only analog stuff to produce and record our music.
And the growl because for me is the best description of our music.
Shaking the floor and wall in a sonic explosion experience :).
Our last tune sounds like sunnO))) monolith&dimensions.

But anal growl could describe that as well so nice find you made there :)


Modulus Sonic Hammer, a Flea Bass or a Status Empathy...graphite necks with phenolic fingerboards.

G&L dont sound aggressive to me at all, they've sounded woolly if anything...but I've only tried them in music shops and haven't actually owned one.


[quote name='analogrowl' post='1320165' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:38 AM']Our last tune sounds like sunnO))) monolith&dimensions.[/quote]
Yeah, that's the kind of the sound in my head that I'm making my recommendations for. :lol:

[quote name='analogrowl' post='1320165' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:38 AM']But anal growl could describe that as well so nice find you made there :)[/quote]
It's like it was meant to be (C'est destin). :)


[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1320155' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:29 AM']P.S. I can't stop reading your name as "anal growl" :)[/quote]

Thank god it wasn't just me, though I had the slightly more irish Anal O'Growl in mind. :)

As strange as it might sound, I'd use a very clear sounding bass for metal rather than a grindy one. Ibanez, Warwicks (which do have a growl, but are still very clear sounding depending on model) and Mavericks (if you can find one) would all be good choices.

I find clangy clean basses suit the metal style well, add some distortion as needed. A quick look at the gear lists of most metal bands will show that a lot of the tones they get aren't from particularly growly basses.


[quote name='LawrenceH' post='1320098' date='Jul 29 2011, 09:34 AM']Worth considering something with a graphite neck, no?[/quote]

[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1320168' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:40 AM']Modulus Sonic Hammer, a Flea Bass or a Status Empathy...graphite necks with phenolic fingerboards.[/quote]
+1 for the graphite option.

I was going to suggest any of the Status Matrix range (of which the headed Empathy was top of the range) but they're not exactly easy to come by.


[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1320168' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:40 AM']G&L dont sound aggressive to me at all, they've sounded woolly if anything...but I've only tried them in music shops and haven't actually owned one.[/quote]

Isn't that what he's after, to some extent?


Aggressive is one of those words that can mean different things to different people i guess. To me it means quick attack with lots of high mid/treble, and plenty of kick-you-in-the-chest :)


[quote name='analogrowl' post='1320020' date='Jul 29 2011, 07:50 AM']Yeah I've been considering those ones. The only problem is that it ain't easy to find to try before buy.
But from what i read these ones have a very high signal and huge low end frequency.[/quote]

I know there are later versions (squire ?) which will be cheaper than original.
Haven't tried a later model, and don't know your budget.
However, if you think of Dawn French falling down the stairs,
you will understand how heavy the sound is


Well thanks to all the ppl who contributed here.

I think i'm going to get something like a good 5-String P bass, but not a fender one.
Something like a sadowsky NYC PJ5, or nordstrand, or maybe sandberg (is it stupid or could it does the job)
I just don't want a bass that sound too woody as my warwick does.
It growl, have deep low end and depth but it get lost in the mids and high.

I'm only looking after second hand now.
As said, i can buy something in uk or usa so i have plenty of choice (lot of interesting bass on talkbass too !).

Just one think i'm wondering. What's the benefits of going on a graphite necks ? I knew the alu neck from travis bean or electric guitar company but graphite neck aren't that much seen there.


[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1320095' date='Jul 29 2011, 09:31 AM']Yes 'rays are aggressive but I wouldn't really recommend them for metal unless your prepared to eq the hell out of it's ass - the mid bite is too intrinsic for me. I play stoner rock and seldom bring the ray out for that.[/quote]

+1 on this. All the rage said about them sent me on a frenzy to get one, and as much as they sound the shiz on their own, I'd be damned if I could ever cut through the mix with it without the use of extensive EQ. Not enough low-mids.
Just my experience though.


Yeah i read a bit more about rays and seems that you guys are right !

I'm hesitating between nordstrand, sadowsky and lakland now.
Do you think guys one of them could suit my needs and which brand would you recommend ?
Any place in London where i could give a try to that 3 brand ?
Only US model.



[quote name='analogrowl' post='1326436' date='Aug 4 2011, 07:41 AM']Yeah i read a bit more about rays and seems that you guys are right !

I'm hesitating between nordstrand, sadowsky and lakland now.
Do you think guys one of them could suit my needs and which brand would you recommend ?
Any place in London where i could give a try to that 3 brand ?
Only US model.

Although I have never owned any of the above, I feel you may be looking at options which exceed your requirements. These ^ basses are normally selected for their clarity of tone for situations where their natural raw tone (basically refinements of Fender tone) is considered worth the extra premium.
For your type of music you are looking for something with power and a broad spectrum of tones which will work well with effects... which imho takes us back to G&L mate. :)


You could probably try most of the brands at the london bass bash?

Personally I recommend kitting out your Thumb with some standard Warwick MECs, Bartolini single coils are wayyyyy too soft sounding.

The MECs will be way cheaper than any other new bass options, and will sound far more aggressive than any of the options you are considering IMO.


[quote name='dc2009' post='1326593' date='Aug 4 2011, 11:26 AM']You could probably try most of the brands at the london bass bash?

Personally I recommend kitting out your Thumb with some standard Warwick MECs, Bartolini single coils are wayyyyy too soft sounding.

The MECs will be way cheaper than any other new bass options, and will sound far more aggressive than any of the options you are considering IMO.[/quote]

I do totally agree with you, but there's also the string spacing which is really too tight for my needs.
Otherwise, i'd have changed the pickups and that's it. And i don't need 6-string anymore 5 would do the job well.


[quote name='Ou7shined' post='1326591' date='Aug 4 2011, 11:22 AM']Although I have never owned any of the above, I feel you may be looking at options which exceed your requirements. These ^ basses are normally selected for their clarity of tone for situations where their natural raw tone (basically refinements of Fender tone) is considered worth the extra premium.
For your type of music you are looking for something with power and a broad spectrum of tones which will work well with effects... which imho takes us back to G&L mate. :)[/quote]

Yes you're quite right :). I'm not collecting many bass/year to be honest.
I'm more a one bass decade guy. It takes time to me to get used to a new bass and it takes time to it to get used to me too.
That's why I'm considering such bass. As said G&L saw on forum and a friend of me who tried one said that G&L doesn't do the job in 5-String.
But i have to try one by myself. I'll go in a music shop just after work to give it a try. You might be right and i have to build my proper opinion too.
I thought that a P inspired bass build from a little group of ppl would just fit my needs better than a factory made instruments.
With the cost of $ today, it's interesting to buy something from the US. That's what turned me on on that one.
But your point of view is correct and you convince me to give it a try to that G&L at the music shop


[quote name='analogrowl' post='1326599' date='Aug 4 2011, 10:30 AM']I do totally agree with you, but there's also the string spacing which is really too tight for my needs.
Otherwise, i'd have changed the pickups and that's it. And i don't need 6-string anymore 5 would do the job well.[/quote]

I would therefore advise switching the 6 string thumb for a 5 string one (or selling it to fund the other), the string spacing will be a bit more generous and you'll be familiar with the feel.

Having said that, given you have the cash and are a warwick afficionado, I have to plug my Warwick here (see the link to the for sale thread in my signature). I can provide you with recordings of it if you like (in a metal band)!


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