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Bill Fitmaurice 1016 piezo's

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Has anyone built any Bill Fitzmaurice (BFM) cab’s and used the CPC-supplied ‘pulse 306’ tweeter as below? The BFM cab build literature offers uk-based CPC as a retailer of the equivalent of the USA branded ‘Goldwood 1016 piezo’, against which the pulse version looks exactly the same shape and has the same external size. The CPC website confirms they are far-east manufacture and even BFM praises the Goldwood’s for being less than $2 each, so I would assume even the U.S. ones are far-east origin. Am just looking for ‘UK’ confirmation that this is not a bad idea; to buy 30-odd of these from CPC and start sawing and gluing them into pretty, but pants, melded arrays. (Sensible precaution: Would I need to buy more and test everyone one, somehow?)


Thanks & regards (from a newbie 5-stringer, looking for cheap good bass sound)

Charles Jenkinson
Manchester, UK

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Just built a BFM Jack 12 , haven't used the Pulse piezo's , I used these


which I thought were the recommended ones that are the same as the american ones.

Its a bit of a pain cutting them down and glueing them for a melded array , but so far everything ok , and very impressed with my build , already started construction on another Jack 12 .

All the best with your build , deffo worth doing. :)

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[quote name='plumbob' post='1333563' date='Aug 9 2011, 01:42 PM']Just built a BFM Jack 12 , haven't used the Pulse piezo's , I used these


I've built quite a few of his cabs, they're all very good. (I'm actually selling my Jack 210's as I don't need 5 bass cabs!)

There's a few detailed build diaries on my website [url="http://www.gilmourvisualnoise.co.uk"]www.gilmourvisualnoise.co.uk[/url] I actually built a little jig for my melded arrays and cut them with a hand saw - they came out fine :) EDIT [url="http://www.gilmourvisualnoise.co.uk/Gilmour_Visual_Noise/Blog/Entries/2010/7/22_Bill_FitzMaurice_-_Jack_210_-_Part_4.html"]Link here[/url]

Anyway the consensus is that the above Piezos are the ones to get and that the others just don't sound as good. It's annoying as about two years ago the Piezos just doubled in price!

However I have a pile of unused Piezos sitting in my project cupboard that I'm happy to sell at a very good price as they will never get used.

PM me if you're interested. If not do spend the little extra on the MPT1016 Piezos

Edited by gilmour
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I noticed the lower limit of the MPT-016 is 3kHz, but the recommended cross-over frequency on the Jack112 is 2kHz. Did you guys who used the MPT-016 alter the high pass and low pass filters accordingly (assuming jack 10 and 12 have same cross over frequency)? I assume the driver was OK with that? Also seeing as MPT-016 is over twice the power rating of the Pulse (not knowing what the Goldwood is myself), is it necessary to make up the full melded nest of 16 tweeters per cab or can one use 8 per cab and modify the electronics? I may PM about the spare tweeters.

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I got a a crossover that went with 2khz , and have had no problems so far , sounds great .

I ended up with a 14 piezo melded array in mine , purely because I cocked the cutting on two and didn't have any spares , seems to be more than enough.

I am going to build the matching Jack 12 with the same amount of piezo's as the first , just to give the flexibility , but I may incorporate a 3 way switch for 1/2 on full on or off options depending on how it sounds with the other one.

I have found that so far the 1x Jack 12 is fine with a 4 -string or 5-string bass , although I am hoping that 2 will give me just a bit more to play with on a 5-string.

To me the Jack 12 is by design a more mid frequency sounding cab, but with a very focused sound .

I am two bands at the moment , and play 4 - string in one and 5- string in the other , so far I have gigged the 1x Jack 12 out with the 4-string using my old 73Ampeg V4B valve amp , and it sits really well , even the drummer , and keyboardist have said that it sound just right.

With the other band I wanna use 2xJack 12's a 5 -string and my EBS HD650 head , so I may report back when I finish the build.

Of course where the Jack 12's really score is the lightness and transportability ! :)

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