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Remember that Rusty Hondo?

Dave Vader

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So some of you might remember my desire to build a black and maple fretless P-bass to go with my old strat, and the fun I had with the rusty bridge of an old Hondo body. Finally got it together, and here she is.

It's a Hondo 2 plywood body, with an ebay generic P type neck which I defretted, and has been passed around a few basses while I finished this one off. Has a Wizard Trad bought off samuel on BC, covered with cream covers got from howard (bass doc), an old bridge I had lying around (which has snapped off screws hiding underneath it, lets call them sustain blocks :) ) pots, cap and input also sourced from my parts box along with the mint green knobs, which will be replaced with cream ones to match properly when I get a few quid spare.
Oh, and Status Hotwire flats, 105-45, bit heftier than the fender 100-50s I was running on my other basses. Thought I'd give status a crack, so far so good.
Sounds immense, just like those old bad company records that made me want a fretless P in the first place.
Here 's the pics....

Hanging on my wall, looking black and mapley and good.

Sitting on the sofa next to his little brother (who inspired the whole build)

And lying on the other sofa with the "other" black and maple (alright white) member of the household, Bam-Bam (who came with that name)

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Just went searching for my original build thread started a year ago.

Turns out I never got round to starting such a thing, despite having a special flickr folder for all the pictures and everything. (there weren't very many pictures, and they weren't very good, this thread will be better, and shorter).

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[quote name='Johnston' post='1344580' date='Aug 18 2011, 04:52 PM']Is this the one with the rather worse for wear bridge?[/quote]

That's the one, bridge coming to a comedy ebay auction near you when I can be arsed to write it. :)

None of that is relicing by the way, it is just shoddy workmanship, poor handling and a spilt tube of superglue. :)

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Well Marv, as I recently realised I have gone to a lot of effort to make sure I have 2 fretless basses, just in time to realise that I have recently left BOTH bands that I was playing fretless in. So as to when I unleash it, I would imagine it will be on the day I feel brave enough to play a Spaced Invaders set on fretless, or next time somebody asks me to go and play with their band, and I can work a fretless into the set. There will come a day, probably not that far away either. (Am not putting it through compressors and choruses and gawd knows what to make it work in the Spaced Invaders 80s tribute set, can't do it).

And many thanks MM, I never used to like it so much, but once I'd used all my best strat bits to make that one, I realised I liked it more than I thought. Wouldn't like it so much without the cream bits though. All black is too much.

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[quote name='Marvin' post='1344601' date='Aug 18 2011, 05:09 PM']When are you planning on unleashing this fine piece of Devon craftsmanship on the public?

BTW, if I ever get around to building my own P-Bass you might find me popping around your way for advice :)[/quote]

Oh, and pop away Marv, I rarely get to bore people with tales of guitar building, you may hear the missus trying to hang herself in the background once I get going, but don't let that bother you. :)

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