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EBMM Stingray 4 3EQ 2002 Teal green/maple/case


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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1359004' date='Sep 1 2011, 05:06 PM']I'm starting to think about just buying more basses and just keep this one, I'm going to try a Classic Ray 5 soon if it's good maybe a new avatar with all four Rays will be in order :) How are you getting on with the album anyway? The second one is coming together quite quickly although I have not played on it yet! Soon though I'm sure :)[/quote]

I have been away for two weeks, only occasionally glancing at BassChat from my phone... and I feel a lot better with regards to GAS. I came back thinking i should half my collection (ok, and maybe buy one or two other tasty things, like a Leo's era G&L L-2000 all maple... the ones with the control plate). At times I think that maybe I should just keep the Stingray, a Jazz and a fretless P.
I may get back to muy usual addict self soon 'though.
In any case, I think your keeping this bass seems like a good idea. It's just too nice a bass to let it go unless you really need the cash.

Classic Ray 5? Now, that's tasty! :)

Album? Don't mention it. It's staying as a 5-track demo it seems, badly mixed too. Long story... bottomline is we're going back to the drawing board with somebody else... a bit disappointing, but it looks like the results will be better... and we will record a few newer songs that are turning out to be really good live, so they should be in the album. Tentative plans are to get it for Spring, and flog it like crazy over the summer. We'll see. One year later than planned...

Keep us informed of that 2nd album progress. I enjoyed the first one. Two tracks from there are in my "faves" collection in the car stereo. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hy man !

Do you see a sale for you SR ? (for how much ??)
I have owned the same a few years ago, and I still regret to have sold it...

So I'm looking to buy another one teal green !!

I'm in France BTW, is it possible to ship to Paris ?

Thank you for your answer.

Good Evening.

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Komasywhateveryou're called...please go away and stop trying to scam people on here. Mods, pm me if you want an explanation. Pete, I'm sure you know, but the person is a fake! They might be better than us at rugby, but this Frenchman is 'try'ing it on (haha!) It's unbelievable how many pm's I get from French socalled basschat members with zero feedback who have only just registered on here wanting to buy that les Paul I've had for sale for ages. I wish they (or he) would just go and f*ck off.

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Ha :) thanks mate, it's staying anyway.

Sorry Jose I missed your reply on here, lots of tracks coming together for album 2, we have shot a proper video which I will post on bass chat for a giggle. Dave is good on bass so he keeps doing the studio stuff but I'm due a session for some plectrum stuff that I have told him one of the tracks needs and he doesn't do plectrum bass.

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