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Sadowsky Metro vs Zon Sonus Standard


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Hello there everyone...

I've recently become the owner of a Sadowsky Metro RV5. I've been a fan of the concept behind the whole super Jazz bass for yonks, and having played some of the Tokyo range, the Atelier Z's and Celinder versions in the past, along with the quirky take that the F Bass Studio is I thought I'd accept the offer I was presented with this Metro model.

At first I found it to be far from inspiring to be honest, but having had a chance to use it in a jam setting, around other instruments/backing tracks...it really comes into it's own. It cuts through like nobody's business. My old F Bass never did this for me, and my Precision struggles to do this at times. So safe to say, I'm quite taken with this Metro. I think it lacks on the solo front though, as in, just on it's own. It's too bright for me...I plan to get the Vintage Tone Control to install though to help to compensate for this.

Anyway...I've also been quite taken with the new Zon Sonus Standard range. They look awesome to me, and from what I've heard, they sound great.

I was just wondering if anyone out there might be able to offer some thoughts on how the two would compare...the Sadowsky Metro RV5 and the Zon Sonus Standard 5.

The Zon's seem to have a really clear and palatable natural voice to my ears. But I'm yet to try one of these newer models.

I'm looking to string something E-C, but wonder if the Sadowsky is the right instrument to do that with. I think it's naturally a 5 string that favours being used as a work horse, strung B-G and being abused night after night, but never failing. The Zon strikes me as more of a bass to be used to experiment with in terms of it's voice.

Obviously, a bass is whatever you make of it, and will only do what the player can do with it. But I seem to feel inspired in different ways with different basses.

Enough waffling though, as usual I've taken up far too much space to get my thoughts across. If any of you have any thoughts on either/or basses please share them with me.

Thanks in advance...


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for me the Sadowsky has the tone to cut through....its like comparing ferrari to lamborghini .. both amazing but what would you prefer to drive? the Zon imo is an awsome bass.. but the Sadowsky preamp is poss the best preamp you can have in a bass....but the RV5 neck is a let down for me.. the Zon i played was killer.. if i had to choose the Zon would get my vote... IMO Zons do the graphite thing way better than Modulus.. Exclusivity is a major factor.. The name Zon is very cool.

.i would take a Sukop over either..

Edited by bubinga5
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