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Posted (edited)

A Sunn 300T and a couple of 2x15" cabs.

Bass wise?
A nice EB-3 would do or a black Ric that I liked to play...
Like this one:

But I also have a urge to have some monstrous 18" folder horn cabs...

Edited by bartelby
Posted (edited)

Stingray 5 Natural/Maple
Stingray 4 3EQ White/Maple
Fender American Precision Red/Maple
Fender American Jazz Fretless
Yamaha TRB1006J

Line 6 Relay G90
Sansamp VT Bass Deluxe (Modded to be MIDI Footswitchable)
EHX Bass Micro Synth
Boss OC-3
Carl Martin Bass Chorus
Boss DD-7
Dunlop Rack Crybaby
Voodoo Labs GCX
Voodoo Labs Ground Control Pro w/Tap Tempo
Peterson Stroborack

Mesa Boogie Big Block 750
Mesa Boogie PH410 or PH212 (x2)

Mic'd by an Electro-Voice RE-20 or Sennheiser MD-421

Yes, that is a large rig, but i would love to own it and have roadies to move it for me.

EDIT: Just priced it all up on Thomann out of boredom and its over £15,000. I guess i better start saving.


Edited by LiamPodmore

For the first time in my life...

100% happy with the two rigs I have and really wouldn't have anything else (unless money was no object and I'd just have even more EBS cabs / Genz heads!!!!)

Posted (edited)

My current rig isn't too shabby right now. (Hartke LH500 or Ampeg PF-350 into 2 Warwick Neo Pro 12"s) It covers most eventualities.

However, if I ever WAS-HIGHLY unlikely-in a big touring big band, I'd like this:

Hartke LH1000 into 4 Ampeg SVT 8 x 10"s with Big Muff, MXR Blow Torch, Ibanez Bass Tube Screamer, Sansamp Bass Driver, Boss Chorus & Boss Phaser pedals.

(Oh! and a decent compressor too just it case the Limiter on the LH1000 breaks.)

Edited by indiegrungesound

Ric 4003
Ric 4001 CS

Gallien Krueger Fusion 550 X 2
GK BLX 210 & GK GLX 410
GK RBH 210 & GK RBH 410

Chorus X 2, Delay, Limiter/enhancer, Flanger, Jay lomenzo Hyperdrive, EQ, Fuzz.
All through a Carl Martin Combinator.

Moog Taurus 1 (originals) and Taurus 3 bass pedals.
Played through a Crown 2400 power amp, 1x18 cab, 2x15 cabs and 1x 410 cab


My dream rig would carry itself into the venue, set itself up, haul the drummer out of the back of the van and go as loud as I need without feeding back with my double bass.

Yep. a dream......


'62 Precision, signal split between two Orange Terror 500's, each powering 2x SP210's. One has 12AT7 valves for clean, and the other has the stock 12AX7's for crunch....... :)

Posted (edited)

Although there are many different bass/amp/cab combinations I would like, I`ve chosen the rig I would gig/record with:

Bass - Fender US Standard Precision
Amp - Ampeg SVT VR or SVT CL
Cab - Ampeg SVT 810AV or SVT 810E

I`ve gone for an either/or, as I can`t remember which set-up it was that I heard that I liked so much.

But, as I can`t carry those darn Ampegs, my current amp/cab set-up is my next preferred option:

Amp - Ampeg PF500
Cab - Barefaced Compact & Barefaced Midget

Edited by Lozz196

Bass lust would be a Fender P or J from 64, be nice to have one made the same year as me :) but don't think thats going to happen lol (unless it's a gift)
Rig-wise.. think I'm ok as I'm now.. all GB gear.


[quote name='TheRev' post='1356951' date='Aug 30 2011, 10:20 PM']My dream rig would carry itself into the venue, set itself up, haul the drummer out of the back of the van and go as loud as I need without feeding back with my double bass.

Yep. a dream......[/quote]

where can we get it?


[quote name='yorick' post='1357129' date='Aug 31 2011, 07:36 AM']signal split between two Orange Terror 500's, each powering 2x SP210's. One has 12AT7 valves for clean, and the other has the stock 12AX7's for crunch.[/quote]

oo that sounds like it would be really good. Think I might go for taller cabs if we're talking [i]dream [/i]rigs.

Mine would be similar but would take itself to and from gigs (or be pocket sized) so that I can show up on a bike (or I might ride the rig to the venue).

It would also have a multi fx unit with every possible effect and which read my mind and alter my sound accordingly.

Am I asking too much? :)


For basses I'd be having:

Sting's 1957 Single coil P bass - his actual bass
Status Stealth 5 string
Chandler Royale 12ver
Warwick Streamer Stage 1 4 string
Musicman Stingray 5 string in Lava Pearl
1976 Gibson Bicentennial Thunderbird
1966 Gibson non-reverse Thunderbird
Rickenbacker RM1999


Gallien Krueger 700RB II (what I have now)
Laney Nexus 810


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1356507' date='Aug 30 2011, 04:44 PM']Ampeg SVT2
Ampeg 410HLF
Musicman Sterling

It's upstairs.[/quote]

This made me smile.

I would like more Barefaced cabs, that's about it.


If I had the roadies, an Aguilar DB412, probably with one of the amps I already own. Id have the Orange Ad200b Mk3 set up for a complete grind fest, and the STL 900 or RH750 setup for middy finger style playing.

I pretty much own the basses I want, although an immaculate 60s Fender P and J, and an early Ray, would be a great addition.


I would like:

Live use Amps/Cabs (all to be recovered in tweed or brown leather. Or maybe two rigs, one in each?)
2xGem Saturn 50's
2xAmpeg 410HE
2XAmpeg 115HE

Studio Use Amps/Cabs (Again in tweed or brown leather)
1xGem Saturn 50
1xAmpeg 210HE

The entire Earthquaker Devices range (converted to passive so I don't have to bother powering sh*t up)

Yamaha RBXJM1 in Turquoise (my old one preferably)
MIM Jazz 5
Ibanez Blazer

And that should be it! I like all my stuff at the moment, I just want it all to match cos I'm shallow like that!


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