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Hi!!! I would leave here some of my band's songs. It's difficult to say what kind of genre we play, it's a misture of stoner, funk, post rock, grunge, but mixed with a sense :)

This are two song of our ep, play live in a studio, so you can hear some little error. We have win a contest, so very soon we start to record a real album with 7-8 tracks, and your critique could be very important for record a good album :)

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKRDVL61n-4&feature=related"]Azione,Reazione (action,reaction)[/url]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHJbf8UqPvo&feature=related"]Non me (not me)[/url]

All the songs are registered with a 1989 Thumb 4 string, except for Non Me tha was registered with a Warwick SS1 of 1988.

And [url="http://www.myspace.com/matermorbiband"]HERE[/url] there are the other two song, Falsi Silenzi (False Silences) and Tetro (Gloomy)

Thanks advance for the listening!


  • 1 month later...

Hi Davide,

I gave your tracks a listen - I think it's a good recording / mix, and there's some very nice bass playing in there. Not crazy about the vocals, to be honest, and I think the songwriting could do with a bit more variety. I'm probably not your target demographic, to be fair. :)

All the best with it, anyway.


I quite liked it. I hear your point about being unable to pidgeonhole yourself into any one genre.

I like the little fills. There something I usually try and avoid in my own playing, usually for getting a sharp look from the guitarist about showboating or being unnecessarily complex... but they really work here, and give more of a sense of you as a player.

Thanks for sharing :)


Thanks Earbrass for the critique, you're not the only one that say that the songwriting is not very good, and we must work on it :)

GustOo, i'm very flattered by your words, that summarizing the way of play music that i image, thanks a lot :)... Is there anything you would change?

Ps. For who want listen the songs without go on internet: [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?3994vm3poi1fji8"]http://www.mediafire.com/?3994vm3poi1fji8[/url] :)

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