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I stumbled across this hideously bad slap video the other day. I usually enjoy excessive, 1980's slap bass sounds but this is just f***ing crap. I am not sure this guy can even hear himself.

Actually, his facial expressions after 00:50 seconds suggest he is having some sort of fit, induced by his his own crapness. The tone sucks, the playing is aimless and awful and his timing is very poor.

What a disaster, 0/10.



Hehe - loving the drum programming too! Wow its different you gotta say that. The strange thing is that in between all the odd stuff there are glimpses of what might have been :)

At least hes not doing any more of those Jonathan Creek series.

Posted (edited)

not the worse slap ever but its very over the top.. his timing is spot on but his hair and expressions are.?. obviously this was recorded in the 80's or early 90's.. ive heard worse..

edit.. i just watched it all.. the timing is out and its bloody awfull.....

Edited by bubinga5

My four year old can get all of those sounds out of my bass simply by running toy trains up and down the neck.

also he's never had a seizure / convulsion whilst doing it. Win. :)

Posted (edited)

The specialists are lining up to diagnose what must be the first recorded case of Tourettes Slapping?


Thanks, that's totally brightened my day. I'm just glad I saw this tonight cos if I'd logged on in the morning to see this I would have been wiping Weetabix off the screen

Edited by Delberthot

Aww, come on now, he's into it, and he's enjoying himself. This is a direct result of whoever it was that made us white boys think we had da fonk. I blame that Mark King meself. Sniff. (Runs for cover)


I love the fact that he seems to talk so seriously after his 'spirited' performance. He should form a band with Kenny G and Brain May, they could discuss hair treatments.

Good find Chris


He is about 100000000% better than me at slap, fact. I think the tech is obviously there but tonally its all around the tonic, which is what I do, very badly.

Most audiences ive seen just dig the bit from 4.10, really.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1316813935' post='1383410']
If you squint a bit he looks a like Tal Wilkenfeld* :)

*crossed with Ken Dodd.
If you just look at the Youtube intro pic and NOT press "play" He's a ringer for Roger Daltry.

Posted (edited)

better than me, although i cant play slap so obvious really, but my timings better than his (and what hair ive got left)

Edited by wez

Usually playing sounds better when you see the person playing. This sounds ok when you don't see him but not so hot when you do.

I can't play like that, but I would agree with the comment 'aimless' though.

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