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Went out for bed linen, came back with this

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[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1316978171' post='1385142']

No worries, it made me go and do a quick test of mine. If I turn the amp up stupidly loud there's no hiss unless I roll the treble pot 3/4 to full (i.e. in between the centre notch and the top end). I never put this much treble on anyway hence why I never heard it before.

[b]The mini pots boost the level of the pickups according to Chris May (at 7.45 in this video: [media]youtube[/media]). I was having a play with them (hence the quick cavity photo earlier) and the difference is quite subtle.[/b]
They appear to be more of a balance trim... so you have equalised sweep characteristics over your balance pot.


A very quick (and quite awful in terms of timing, musical talent etc. etc.) recording of the Overwater. Slight touch of extra bass on the bass knob and ever so slightly panned towards the neck pup. Slight roll-off on the treble too and the bright boost was off.


Something more musical may appear soon...


[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1316959315' post='1384800']
I had a friend coming over so I went out to buy some bed linen. [/quote]

Oh aye, you dark horse you! :)

We need a :seedy: smiley! Mainly for me :)

Lovely looking bass, though.


Haha, nothing seedy there. She was coming over to visit for a week so I was a true gent and gave up my room for her and slept on the couch. I didn't think it fair to let her sleep on my grubby bassplayer's sheets :)

Swiftly moving back on topic... if anyone wants to hear what other settings sound like then shout and I'll knock something up and post it on Soundcloud. No doubt I'll have some "real" tracks featuring the Overwater on there soon :)

  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1317063133' post='1386283']
I'll knock something up and post it on Soundcloud. No doubt I'll have some "real" tracks featuring the Overwater on there soon :)

Speaking of which, here's one I did earlier.... [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/in-a-small-and-smokey-club"]http://soundcloud.com/mornats/in-a-small-and-smokey-club[/url]

If I remember the settings correctly I think I had the pup balance panned ever so slightly towards the bridge and added a slight touch to the bass pot. I'm chuffed to bits with the sound from this and I haven't tried perfecting the EQ post-recording yet for this bass. The astute amongst you will notice that I twang 2 notes by accident in one of the bass line sections - this was 100% me being clumsy and wasn't anything to do with the bass. :) It's on my list of things to re-record...

Posted (edited)

I think one or two Overwater owners here are impressed with the Tanglewoods - such as Machines here in the "Overwater Basses by Tanglewood" thread.


To hear a comparison, here are a few of the range (but none of the J's, so not really a great comparison) compared with a Cumbrian J Series.


I'm very, very happy with my J5 but it seems that just recently, not all is tickity boo.

Edited by NeilMorrell

I own a British built Overwater - look see at the pretty bass in the avatar - and it's a fine instrument..I played one of the Tanglewood Overwaters at the LBGS (this coincided with the horn being blown for a quiet period) but the feel of the less expensive bass ( I can't bring myself to use the word "cheap") was excellent. A friend of mine was trying the same model as you've got at the same time and had high praises for it.

There seems to be a concensus that they are really good value for money and that generally the build quality is well up to scratch. I know that Chris, himself, is keen that these succeed so I wouldn't be surprised if he, or somebody else from his team, doesn't get in contact with you to arrange for your Bass to be overhauled. The Customer Service from Overwater is excellent BTW.

Both Chris ("Overwater") and Laurance (sorry can't remember his username) use this site so PM them to feed back your experience to them.


I'm sure it's Laurance Blackadder isn't it? Was handed over to him (by Chris) when I bought some actives (for another bass) about 5 years ago, while he explained the wiring. Still got the post it note I scribbled the instructions on, and they still sound superb.


I'm no expert and this could stand to be corrected.
I have a Contemporary J4 and i think the shielding is a wire cage around the pick-ups rather than the electronics which are simply earthed.
I'm sure this method is used to save coating the inside of the electronics area with insulating paint of some kind.

To be fair mine is very quiet and have not had any issues with it at all.

In comparison to my Progress (see my avator) there is a difference in playability and range of tones. J4 is Bass and Treble whereas the Progress has B,M,T controls.
I find the J4 neck slightly thicker than my 6 string which i think is more about depth rather than width of the necks.
My Progress is also fretless so its difficult to do a serious comparison.

Value for money i would say it outshines virtually anything else out there. I'm impressed with my J4 both for build quality and sound.

To be fair though mines has been set up by Chris and the guys.

The additional electronic pots are to balance the pick-up gains and should be factory set.

If you contact Chris at Overwater I'm pretty sure the guys will be more than helpful resolve any issues.
They get great reviews on BC for their quality and support service so worth a try.



When I put the 2-band in my Ibanez, Chris did stress the importance of shielding the Control Cavity - not to rely on just conductive paint, but to get some proper shielding in there, as the circuit was a bit noisy without it. So, I obtained some Aluminum Tape and did the whole lot, and must say, I haven't had any problems since.

Posted (edited)

I'd love to know what a "proper" Overwater owner's opinion is of these Tanglewood made ones. Any Overwater owners had a go of them yet? (Although not that it matters much as the one I bought is 100% spot on for what I want in a bass.)

Let's just say they are not as far away from the custom models as the price might suggest...... :)

Edited by woodster

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