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More new Fender models - The 'Modern Player' Series

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[quote name='merello' timestamp='1317236848' post='1388568']
Love the tele - went on TalkBass and someone has christened the other one as the Geddy Jag! :)

The Tele bass needs modded though: (TalkBass image!)


Now THAT, I would buy! haha. :)


Fender japan already make decent modern fenders. Aerodyne.

A modern fender to me has:
Matching headstock
Finishes people want
Decent pre-amp
No pickguard.

I feel the original jaguar would have best suited here if it was done with a little more finesse and quality


[quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1317215585' post='1388178']
I'm sold on anything with maple neck and black blocks and binding :)

Id love a black PJ with maple neck but dont really go for black blocks on a maple neck.

Looks like they have a Squier HM bridge on them, if so im guessing the string spacing will be 20mm so another negative for me.


I always wanted a 2 pickup Tele bass, although I would put the bridge pickup in the sweet spot like a Stingray. I think it would look and sound better that way. They look too widely spaced with the bridge pickup that far back and that mounting ring looks a bit like an afterthought. I wonder why they didn't use the big scratchplate that custom shop version used?


Love the look of the Tele, always liked the 72 Custom Tele, or whatever it's called, that looks like a decent bass version. Already considering selling my Deluxe Active Jazz to fund it!


I'm constantly amazed at how they manage to reinvent exactly the same product in different ways and never change anything. They've gone from producing basses to marketing an image. They're an absolute master class in marketing. Major respect.


[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4][color="#000000"]More disappointment! All they do is shuffle the parts boxes around. If they were “masters” of anything they’d come up with some new classic designs.[/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font]


I can see the logic with the newer models they keep brining out.

How many times do we see people saying "if only it had a maple neck/blocks/etc"? While Fender are just re using parts they are giving us more choice.

They arent trying to change the world, just give us more choice.


[quote name='henry norton' timestamp='1317285713' post='1388926']
....I wonder why they didn't use the big scratchplate that custom shop version used?....
[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#222222]Because they had several boxes of Roscoe Beck scratch plates lying around to get rid of first![/color][/font][/size][color=#222222][font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font][/color]


And a Jazz too...



I'm well into Fenders but the jag is the same as the squier version, the new jazz is the same as the blacktop except with a different body/neck config. Does seem kinda pointless, the tele looks alright but i wouldn't buy one. The sunburst jazz does tickle my fancy slightly.


[quote name='willyf87' timestamp='1317372998' post='1389927']
I'm well into Fenders but the jag is the same as the squier version, the new jazz is the same as the blacktop except with a different body/neck config. Does seem kinda pointless,

Why is offering more options pointless? Seems sensible to me.


I think the problem is, Ive never played any Fender I liked that wasnt just a plain P or J. The others Ive tried, incl the deluxe USA models pre 2010, were never 'right' for what I was after.

What they need to do is stop messing about and release a proper P/J passive bass, on a normal P bass body, USA made, little bit more money than a USA P Standard, same colours (not just black), not a sig model like the TF, with Vol/Vol/Tone.

I'd buy one instantly.

My friend has one of the old USA models (I think it is) with a P/J setup like this and its fabulous.

I'd like to try the new Deluxe models. I'm sure the pre-amp must be better than the old one!

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