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What can you get for a £1 these days?


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+1 A bottle of water at a motorway service station, thus making water more expensive than petrol:

Edited by discreet
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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318154917' post='1398529']+1 A bottle of water at a motorway service station, thus making water more expensive than petrol: [url="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/5250212/Motorway-service-stations-charge-four-times-supermarket-price-for-water.html"]http://www.telegraph...-for-water.html[/url][/quote]

The question is, why have they used an American picture of a "gas" station?

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318154917' post='1398529']
+1 A bottle of water at a motorway service station, thus making water more expensive than petrol:

I point blank refuse to buy bottled water - it's an ecologically unsound waste of money that has been artificially elevated to a 'must have' accessory with a massively inflated price. :)

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[quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318155720' post='1398540']
The question is, why have they used an American picture of a 'gas' station?
I don't know. Maybe it's an indication of what prices will be next week. :)

[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1318158063' post='1398571']
I point blank refuse to buy bottled water
+1 Especially when you're already paying for what comes out of the tap.

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[quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318158781' post='1398579']
If fuel is going to be $2.279/U.S. Gallon (3.78 L) then bring on next week I say!
Pedant. Obviously I should have said maybe it's an indication of what prices will be next week [i]here[/i], and in [i]GBP.[/i]

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318159626' post='1398589']
What, the OP? I certainly can't afford him. :)
Ooooh - you'd be surprised duckie :o :) :)

Edit: What a post to make my landmark 1000th!

Cheerz, John

Edited by KiOgon
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[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1318161380' post='1398611']
Ooooh - you'd be surprised duckie :o :) :)
Edit: What a post to make my landmark 1000th!
Congratulations! :)
And look - I'm coming up behind you fast!

Edit for further innuendo.

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Speaking of 50p.
Just the other day, I was regaling some incredulous younger band mates with boring tales about how when we were kids (early-mid 70's) me and my brother were given 50p on a Saturday morning and we'd head off into the city centre on our own... this in itself would be a no-no for 6 and 7 year olds these days. We'd meet up with some mates at the Saturday Cinema Club (special deal for kids*) where we'd spend a few riotous hours watching a handful of cartoons, some ancient black and white stuff like the 3 Stooges and a main feature (a Disney movie or something). Then en masse we'd all go next door to the swimming pool and spend a further few of hours in there, buy a sausage roll, a bag of crisps and a drink on our way out, then we'd catch the bus home stopping off at the corner shop for a bag of sweets (back then Black Jacks (with their very un-PC wrappers) were 1/4p each... I think you used to get 8 aniseed balls for a penny) and still have change for a box of matches so we could go and burn sh*t round the back of old Mr Hunter's garage.

* incidentally my dad used to go to the same cinema on a Saturday morning when he was a kid too.... only the entry fee back then was an empty jam jar. :)

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