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How to dismantle an AXL stereo chorus pedal?


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You normally have to push all the pots and connectors into the enclosure before it will lift off as you generally have things poking out of three sides which will stop the top coming off. Have you tried that?



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[quote name='topcat3355' timestamp='1318195433' post='1399170']Basically, I've gotten all the screws and nuts off the thing and it still won't open! I've peeled all the sticky bits off and it's still having none of it, ideas?[/quote] I'm not too familiar with the AXL range of pedals. Have you tried removing the knobs and their retaining nuts as well?

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Underneath the bit you press with your foot to engage the pedal there's probably a clip or screw(s) holding the switch to the top of the enclosure. If you take off the two screws at either side holding that bit being careful not to lose the washers and the order they came off in it'll make it easier to get to the switch

I can't imagine it will be much different to [url="http://www.instructables.com/id/Modify-Your-Boss-DS-1/step2/Disassembly/"]this[/url]

Edited by Delberthot
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