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Anyone used the Ashdown Spyder amps (330/550) ?


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Hey Guys!

I'm slowly becoming a Tube convert thanks to my guitarist brother :)

Now most of the (all) tube bass amps i would get are out of production and have been since before i was born and second hand are out of my price range. (Fixing the Maximum price at £500 but ideally £350 would be spot on, that is new or second hand!)

I've tossed about the idea if getting an Orange Terror Bass but i fear it maybe a little too Thick sounding, and i'd really like to try one first.

I'm really interesting in the Ashdown Dual Tube pre-amp stuff, as i've had mostly good things from Ashdown gear (minus weight haha! But i've got a light cab so no worries there!) good tone, realiable and great customer service!

There is an ABM 300 EVO II for sale here in the 'deen though the seller hasn't replied to my e-mails, i'd ideally be after something putting out 500W at 4 ohms so i'd gett ~200-300 into 8 ohms with the extra for when i hook up a second cab.

Anything you can tell me about them would be great!

(Also i'd much rather buy british! Hurrah for Blighty!)

Note: I like alot of treble to my sound (Later end of his life Entwistle style (R.I.P)), and lots of low mid and depth nice and bright sounding (not the first thought when it comes to valve amps haha!) with lots of grind and growl (though of the Ceramic P-bass kind, not so much the jazz bass sound)

I know alot of sound comes from the Bass, and i'm trying to accent those qualities with the amp!


Edited by AttitudeCastle
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