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Just got a new peavy 6 grind, Bristol learner


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When i say learner i mean learning a 6 string as i have been using an OLP musicman copy for a couple of years, while its not bad quality the electrics could go with an upgrade. Having owned and sold the original for a silly price in hard times i have a good reference point.

Owned a few basses from the 80's , Ibanez, Hohner jack (age clue there) played in a couple of bands. Currently i have a strat but my fingers are so fat i have given it up as a lost cause!

Love a wide range of percussion and so spend a lot of time tapping the desk and sometimes programming beats to jam to as i don't have any music friends currently so the bass bridges what i love most.

Wish you all well and would be nice to get to a meet although im in need of a extended rehearsal session.


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Welcome to Basschat fellow Peavey Grinder :)

I too felt the pickups weren't quite up to scratch, but not being into the whole active bass thing, I just got some passive Seymour Duncans :) Had a bit of trouble with certain pickups, but anything that's the same size as an EMG 40, and is a standard soapbar kinda thing will be fine :)

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Thanks for the welcomes :)
Chrismuzz i meant the PUP's on the OLP stingray copy are a bit crap not the grind but if i need an upgrade (for the grind) ill be bending your virtual ear for advice.

As for GAS im already hooked after years of VST technology acquisitions, etc etc.

Also chrismuzz that's an unusual tuning ?


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