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Hey, ... new member from Bristol saying hello


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Been browsing this forum for while, finally decided to join and say hello. This is my first forum for anything, so not really sure what the rules, etiquette or anything are, but thought I give it a go. I hope to be some help. I need to know everything bass, mainly concerning what bass? what Amp? what cab config? what's the most complicated bass line ever written?

Anyway, I've been playing bass for for over ten years and Amp wise I have:

A Roland Cube 100, very versatile and portable, but sounds digital. Good amp for vocals though.

A Beringer 300 ultra bass, which is loud enough, but distorts really easily, get's muddy once it's warmed up, but lots of Watts for the money .

An Ampeg SVT-150h. Which i run though 2x10 and 4x10 old Hartke transporter cabs, I think it sounds amazing and holds it's own with our very hard hitting drummer.

Bass wise,

I am now the proud owner of a Musicman Stingray, with 3 band eq, though I'm not sure how old it is 80s I think. The maple neck is amazing.

I also have a Westone again from the 80s, with a Symore Duncan pickup (I installed myself).

An Ibanez RG-350.

I'm currently practicing the bass line to "Hit me with your rhythm stick, which I can almost play at about 90% tempo, but getting it up to speed is proving tricky,

But I mainly play in Forgery Lit, here's a shameless advert

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take it easy


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