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I played one of these elusive beasts the other day in a local shop and was really impressed by pretty much all aspects of the bass. The neck felt great (think it's a 60's profile Jazz 'C') the pick -ups (US Fender-made) were spot on. The eq had a wide range of tones available and didn't introduce a huge volume jump (that was noticeable at the volume I was playing). My only suggestion would be a stacked vol/vol and add a passive tone control but not everyone might feel thats necessary.

All in all a great bass with classic tones which are only enhanced by the EQ. i initially thought that Fender got a bad rap for their EQ but this one was top notch to my ears.

Which leads me to a question for Fender....

Why in all their wisdom don't Fender introduce a standard P/J to their line up - one in a jazz body shape, one in a P bass body shape. All their current 'new' basses come so close and if they can do a Jaguar in P/J then there is no excuse really,
especially if their recent pawn shop series is anything to go by. Whats the most common mod that people would have made back i the day? Surely a P/J with a Badass or P with Jazz neck. The recent 70's P with maple neck and inlays (one they never actually made in the 70's was crying out for a jazz p/u.

Oh well!


The MIM Reggie is my next bass purchase. Not in the next two months or so - but soon.

It has a mystique and a capacity about it that is pretty individual - even to to other P/J combos out there by either Fender of Squier.

My first P/J was the VM-Jaguar, and I've fallen in love with the whole concept. Lots o' grunt and smoothness when needed. You can blend or play either p'up solo for such a tremendous amount of voice variety.

I don't know how to answer you query to Fender - and it might not fall upon deaf ears as I am sure they watch the posts on various sites. Just don't put your hand where the sun don't shine waiting for anything to happen - you'll prolly get a skin graft first.

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