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Something raw and nasty from the shed...

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Hey in our new spirit of openess and sharing in the Recordings forum - I was feeling quite inspired after checking out a nice jam by Damian Erskine yesterday - he's a brilliant player if you haven't already checked him out - anyway I just thought "sod the fancy production values let's just record the kind of thing I might play of a morning" - and this is what came out - it's far from perfect but I'm just trying ideas and pushing myself all ofver the place... I kind of like it...


If anyone else wants to share their improvised jams then go right ahead - be great to see what other stuff might be lurking out there




Ach, at work right now so can't justify watching it til lunchtime.

Even without having watched it, I commend you for sticking it up here Mike... really, well done.


Wow Mike, that's some amazing playing!

Way out of my league... so I really can't offer any constructive criticism - or any criticism for that matter! Other than to say it would take more than a few espressos to make me able to play like that in the morning :)

Great stuff mate. Love it.

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