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Cheap Christmas bass for daughter


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It's getting towards that time of year and my middle daughter has been making enquiries about getting a bass from Santa. She's 10 going on 18 ( ain't they all these days ) and really fancies a Daisy Rock bass but that's NOT going to happen unless I can get a nice one second hand and cheapish!!
Anyone got any suggestions ?? I don't know where to start looking ! She already plays violin ( grade 3 ) piano and recorder ( my wife is a music teacher !! ) so she has a bit of music in her.
She is a girly girl which is why she fancied a Daisy Rock, so something pink would be good. I think she is too small for a full size bass.
I will put a wanted ad in just in case someone has been in a similar position and now looking to off load that much wanted/ now neglected pressie but I wanted to ask for advice first.
Thanks amigos / amigettes,

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How about a yellow one?


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