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HELP!! combo suggestions...


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Hello bass folks,

Can anyone recommend a good combo amp? I've been looking at the Ampeg BA600 (210), SWR super Redhead 2x10 350W and Messa Boogie Walkabout...

What I need is something powerful enough for small clubs/venues, to cover gigs from a power-trio rock outfit to a 9-piece soul band.

On paper the Ampeg looks like a winner but reviews are a little iffy - generally saying it doesn't give the power and volume that you'd expect from a 600W amp. I've always had Ampeg gear so naturally that was my first port of call. As an alternative I quite like the SWR sound and wander if it is realized in their combo amp? Is the sound going to be big and rounded enough for my needs? Indeed is there a combo amp out there that will suffice or am I hoping for too much?

Budget is flexible to some extent but I don't expect to be paying much less than a grand (or more?).

I'd very much appreciate any guidance. All replies eagerly awaited.


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[quote name='muddyman' timestamp='1319554025' post='1415700']

Thanks. Much like the suggestion from Winterfire666... any suggestions?

Why were you initially thinking 'Combo'? Size? Weight? Simplicity?

Combos, by nature, are geared towards compactness, and the ones that aren't can be unwieldy.

The Mesa Scout, for example, is small, but it's a PITA to carry around.

if you went seperates, There's any number of small but powerful heads out there that will do the job depending on your tastes. The Genz Streamliner works for me, but it's all down to your preference.

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barefaced have been around for a while now, if you are interested send alex at barefaced an email (via the website) and he can recommend a cab based on your playing style and needs, i recently did the same and im very happy with my new super 12t, he got what i was after perfectly.
and if you dont like it you can return it for a full refund (less postage costs).
great service and the best cab i have ever owned, a big upgrade from the swr rig i had previously.

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Combos ..in my view, are a decent compromise.
The Redhead was a really good combo say, 15 years ago or before, when SWR made quality stuff...and I think you would have to add
another 8ohm cab for 350-400watts

I have tried the Ampeg Neo combo 210, 600 watts thingey..and I thought it was very delicate and typical Ampeg EQ..which is poor, IMV. Sounds ok if you want/like the Ampeg sound. The build didn't impress me either.

My vote goes to the Markbass 102 combo...but definitely not the 112 or 115 which uses the same amp.
You'll get a decent capable volume out of this with just the 210's and it will amp up to 500 with an extention cab.
Light-ish and portable so if it has to be a combo, this would get my vote...but be prepared to have to add an etn cab if you are in a loud setting. I think I would definitely struggle myself with 210 in a full band..and so does my gtr mate who lends it to me. we always have to add a cab.

This is why you really want seperates unless you are really sure what you will run it against as you'll likely end up with two cabs..and negate the reason for a combo anyway.

But the Markbass 102 is good for £600 +or- SH on here.

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Hi muddyman i had the same problem trying to sort out the best combo i have got a ashdown a peavey a ampeg also ampeg stack but settled for a markbass 102 and must say it is the best sound i have ever had i also have the markbass 151hf 1 x15 bass cab and put them together for a sound that will make your ears bleed. Go to your local music shop that stock markbass and see what i mean. Hope you get sorted out good luck mate .

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Being the owner of an Ampeg PF-500 and Barefaced Compact (and Midget too) I can certaibly vouch for portability and power. I didn`t really need the Midget, but the extra height helps in a band situation to be heard better, plus it adds a bit of snarl.

If a combo is what you really want, I`d check out Markbass. Every time I go into a pub and hear a band whose bassist I think has a great tone, it invariably is a little Markbass combo they are using. You can always add in an extension speaker as well, for larger gigs.

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I've got a Markbass CMD 102p 2x10 combo & it fits my needs perfectly. If I replaced it I would go for a Barefaced cab & possibly a Markbass head.

I tried many things from rigs to combos & narrowed it down to a combo for portability, packawayability & quickness.
I then tried countless combos (including the Ampeg, which isn't much cop IMO) & ended up getting the MB on the rep of the LMII alone & I've never regretted it.
Quite possibly the loudest combo on the market & weighs just 19Kg (a 1 handed lift) & if for some reason you needed more volume (such as a big gig with no PA), then you can add another cab.

If you want to hear mine (& even have a wee blast on it), then I'm playing at Dunblane on the 12th of November. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/158178-bigroom-dunblane-121111/"]CLICK HERE![/url]

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Thanks for all the replies guys. You've all been really helpful! Have looked some of your suggestions up on t'internet and I'm thinking now what would be more suitable for my purposes is a small seperate set-up. Funny to see Ampeg gets hammered nearly everytime they are mentioned, though the P500 might be a goer with a suitable cab...

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